CFES art show draws crowd

The 74th Chadds Ford Elementary School Art Show and Sale got off to a strong start with people lined up outside waiting for the doors to open. Once inside, they got to see the art of 67 artists, including 10 who had never shown at the event before. Among the newbies was Matt King who came the farthest to participate. King, originally from Oxford, Pa.,…

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“Projected in Place” Brings Art to Life

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"Attack upon the Chew House" (1898) by Howard Pyle. Projected in Place at Cliveden, Germantown, PA, July, 2022.

One of the most fascinating parts of living in a place known for its artistic history is constantly seeing the real-world sites depicted in famous works of art. Just drive through the Brandywine countryside—or even down Route 1—and you will recognize scenes that are displayed in museums around the world. While artists continue to take inspiration from these scenes and depict them in new, interesting…

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