National Weather Service: Relief eventually

If you’re having trouble keeping your cool, you have good reason: The National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat warning for the area until 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16.

Heat index values of 102 to 108 are expected Tuesday afternoon with temperatures in the mid-90s. Some isolated showers and thunderstorms could bring temporary relief.

Less transitory relief is forecast on Wednesday when a frontal boundary arrives from the northwest and somewhat reduces the oppressive heat and humidity, according to the National Weather Service.

In the meantime, an excessive heat warning means that prolonged, dangerously hot temperatures are likely, creating the threat of heat-related illnesses, especially for the elderly or those with chronic conditions such as lung or heart disease. The fact that the region has already experienced a prolonged period of excessive heat increases the risk for the most vulnerable.

Those working outside and other heat-sensitive individuals are urged to take precautions by drinking plenty of fluids, wearing lightweight clothing, taking frequent rest breaks, remaining in air-conditioned rooms and staying out of the sun when possible. Make sure to avoid leaving children or pets unattended in vehicles; car interiors can reach lethal temperatures in minutes.

Emergency officials also recommend checking on elderly relatives and neighbors. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved immediately to a cool, shaded location. Finally, officials want to remind residents that heat stroke constitutes an emergency and that 911 should be called.


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