Pennsbury gets $1 million + in grants

Pennsbury Township will receive $1,875,000 to purchase a 100-acre addition to the adjacent Pennsbury Township Park for passive public recreation including hiking and birdwatching. The property supports a diversity of natural resources including woodlands, meadows, and part of Rising Run, which flows into Brandywine Creek. Chester County Commissioners Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz, and Eric Roe approved the awarding of nearly $6.7 million in open space…

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Around Town May 23

Read more about the article Around Town May 23
The second annual “Race for the Watershed: 5K Trail Run & Duck Race,” at Newlin Grist Mill is scheduled for Saturday, June 15. (File photo.)

• Concord Township and Newlin Grist Mill are again teaming up to support healthy waterways with the second annual “Race for the Watershed: 5K Trail Run & Duck Race,” taking place on Saturday, June 15 at Newlin Grist Mill. This event is a fundraiser to help raise money to preserve and protect the watershed in the park at Newlin Grist Mill. Funds raised will go…

Read MoreAround Town May 23