Random-Lee: What a few people can do

It never ceases to amaze me what a few people can do when they set their minds to it. About a year ago I became acquainted with a few local zealots in West Chester who had bonded together out of common concerns and formed a non-profit organization called Uptown! Entertainment Alliance. They had decided that their “perfect town” was missing two things: a waterfront and a theatre, and, in the words of Uptown! Chairman Linda Foster in a 2012 fundraising appeal:

“Now we probably can’t do anything about a waterfront, but we — you and me — WE CAN BUILD A THEATRE.”

And build a theatre they are going to do.

I got the general idea when I first met Linda and my neighbor Tom McEvoy, another board member, who explained the group’s lofty goals:

• To support existing arts organizations by creating a permanent venue in the heart of West Chester’s Historic District to be shared by Chester County Arts organizations
• To engage underserved age groups in West Chester with an entertainment program of Children’s Theatre, “Broadway in the Borough,” traveling theatre, cultural performances, film, and more

I got the idea, but I honestly thought it was just the pipe dream of a few passionate arts enthusiasts until I met more board members who told me there was actually a site search going on, and that the group had its sights set on acquiring the soon-to-be vacant Armory building on North High Street in West Chester. Now that was beginning to sound awfully serious.

And then I attended the group’s summer fundraiser at the Chester County Historical Society, a children’s series of three shows performed by the Greater Ocean City Theatre Company, and then a fall jazz concert on the West Chester Courthouse steps, and then the winter finals of the Uptown! Songwriting Contest for local singer-songwriters. By this time I know the group is not only very serious, but is in the final stages of actually acquiring a site and making their dream of a theatre in downtown West Chester come true.

And I’m so impressed at what this small group has accomplished in such a short time that I have not only joined but have volunteered to help make it happen. The funny thing is that theatre itself has never been a big interest of mine. What intrigues me is the idea of local people joining together to better their community and taking the time to actually make it happen — and successfully raising enough money from their friends and neighbors and business acquaintances to make it happen.

And what I love in particular about this group is its broad scope: to include all age groups and interests, and its plan to offer a permanent “home” to other arts/music/dance groups in the county. So now I’m hooked!

If you find this story as impressive as I do, and would like more information, please check out the Uptown! Entertainment Alliance web site at www.uptownwc.org. And consider helping the cause by supporting our next major fundraiser, the Uptown! Red Carpet Gala at the West Chester National Guard Armory on North High Street on April 13. This will be a festive evening of live music, dancing, wine, food, entertainment and a live/silent auction, with a special community farewell ceremony for the National Guard troops who have called the Armory home for almost a century. It’s going to be a great evening for a great cause! Tickets are still available and can be ordered on the Uptown! Web site.
* Lee Miller welcomes responses. Please email them to leemiller229@gmail.com


About Lee Miller

Lee Miller began her writing career with four books about Pennsylvania/east coast wines and the creation of Wine East magazine. She then went on to found the Chaddsford Winery with her husband Eric, where she turned her pen to promotion, advertising, public relations and marketing of their successful business venture for 30 years. Last year Lee co-wrote the new wine book, “The Vintner’s Apprentice” with Eric, and retired from the Chaddsford Winery to pursue other interests. She is currently working on a book about her life in the wine industry and exploring the retirement life. Her goal in writing a column for Chadds Ford Live is to generate dialogue and elicit reader response.

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