Concord passes budget

Concord Township Council members passed the 2023 budget Tuesday night. As anticipated, property taxes remain the same. The budget is balanced with revenues and expenses expected to be $4.1 million and with a total property tax levy of 0.514 mils for properties where there are fire hydrants and 0.453 mils without. (A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property value.)…

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Concord holds budget hearing

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A percentage breakdown of how tax dollars are spent, according to the proposed 2023 budget.

Concord Township Council Tuesday night held a hearing for the 2023 budget and the proposal offers no tax increase. Before the hearing, though, council members voted to grant Rosalie restaurant conditional use approval for outdoor dining. That conditional use hearing was held on Nov. 1. Rosalie wants to move into the site of the former Ruby’s Diner in the Shoppes at Brinton Lake. The approval…

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Just for fun in Concord

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DJ Steve Blatz gets the group moving.

Concord Township’s Parks and Recreation Committee decided it was time for people in the township to get together just for some fun. So, the committee hosted a dance party at the Brandywine Youth Center Saturday night and an estimated 80 residents took advantage and danced to the oldies. Committee member Allison O’Donaghue said the committee hopes the oldies dance can become an annual event.

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Rosalie coming to Concord

Rosalie, an Italian restaurant, is eying the Shops at Brinton Lake as a new location. Already in Wayne, Rosalie wants to move into the site of the former Ruby’s Diner. Concord Council wrapped up a conditional use hearing for the restaurant before the start of its Nov. 1 meeting. At issue was approval for outdoor dining, but there won’t be a decision until Nov. 15.…

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Massage license pulled

Concord Township Council Tuesday gave preliminary/final approval for a proposed car dealership on Routes 202 and 1 but pulled the massage license for a spa farther south on 202. Council withdrew the permit for Massage Zen at 220 Wilmington West Chester Pike because of charges of prostitution and narcotics. According to solicitor Hugh Donaghue, two of the employees had been arrested. He said an anonymous…

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Conditional OK for storage facility

A proposed self-storage facility is one step closer to reality after Concord Township Council granted conditional use approval for the plan during its Aug. 2 meeting. Even with the conditional use approval, the plan must still go through land development with the Planning Commission and then get final approval from the council. The applicant, Premiere A-2 Storage, wants to construct two buildings at 366 Wilmington…

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Concord updates open space plan

Concord Township has moved forward with its goal of updating its Comprehensive Recreation, Park, and Open Space Plan. Council voted 6-0 Tuesday night to adopt the plan after a brief presentation by Marc Morfei, a landscape architect with Pennoni Engineers. The goals of the plan are to conserve natural resources, provide for future recreational needs, find opportunities to expand walking and cycling trails, and provide…

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Wrong machine in Concord

Some early morning voters in the 6th Voting Precinct in Concord Township were turned away from the polls because the wrong machine was sent to the precinct at the township building. Precinct Judge of Elections Steve Critchlow said the voting machine delivered was for the 6th Precinct in Collingdale. While initial voters were told to come back later, Critchlow said, Voters’ Services advised him to…

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Traffic cameras, bocce in Concord

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Council Co-Vice Chairman John Crossan tries his hand at bocce. Waiting her turn, to the left of Crossan is Councilmember Vinita Deshmukh. Behind them are Co-Vice President John Gillespie and Councilmember Colleen Morrone. Looking on are township Manager Amanda Serock, far left, and Director of Public Works Dan Moyer.

It’s not a done deal yet, but Concord Township Council is moving forward with an idea to install license-plate-reading cameras at three intersections. What is a done deal is that there are now two bocce ball courts on the township’s Thornton Road property next to the municipal building. Council members unveiled the two courts prior to their May 3 meeting. Council Co-Vice President John Gillespie…

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Hannum’s looking to move

Hannum’s Harley Davidson wants to get its motor running, move out of two locations, and head onto Concord Township. But it’s up to Concord Township Council, and even if it happens, it might take a couple of years. Tommy Hannum and land use attorney John Jaros told Council members Tuesday night that the desired move is part of a corporate-wide decision to consolidate and reduce…

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Concord considers license plate readers

They’re not “red light cameras” that photograph a car running a red light and then send out a citation. But LPRs, or License Plate Readers, do read and record a license plate number, and Concord Township Council is considering buying some. No decision will be made before April. Shawn Petty, the CEO of Platelogiq in Exton, made a pitch to Concord Council during the township’s…

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