Criminal justice reform in DelCo

Delaware County Council and the Office of the District Attorney yesterday announced the formation of a countywide Task Force on Criminal Justice Reform, to be chaired by District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer. “For too long, distrust has been allowed to exist between law enforcement and the communities that they are sworn to protect and serve,” said Stollsteimer. “It is time to face the problems in our…

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Updated polling locations for Concord Twp.

Concord Township will have several precincts with a change in polling location for the June 2 primary election. • Precinct 1 (West Precinct), which usually votes at Darlington Arts Center, will vote at Garnet Valley Middle School, 601 Smithbridge Road. • Precinct 9 (South East Precinct), which usually votes at Garnet Valley High School, will vote at the former Pennington School, 245 Bethel Road. •…

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Concord opposes sale of CWA

During a short May 12 meeting, Concord Township Council passed a resolution opposing the sale of Chester Water Authority and announced that the township building would reopen with safety restrictions on May 18. Council also agreed to send a letter to state and county officials to get a plan together so that businesses in Concord Township can reopen. On March 19, Gov. Tom Wolf ordered…

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Indian restaurant initiates ‘Together We Will Prevail’

Rasa Indian Cuisine in Painters Crossing shopping center has initiated a program in support of emergency personnel. Together, We Will Prevail! Is designed to support the emergency personnel and first responders during the COVID-19 crisis, according to a press release. As part of this initiative, Rasa delivers packaged meals to the emergency personnel. The Together We will Prevail! initiative, which was launched after the COVID-19…

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Concord in brief: sidewalks, roads, Coronavirus

In a brief telephone meeting Tuesday night, Concord Township Council voted to award a Transportation and Community Development Initiative grant to Pennoni Engineering and the Brandywine Conservancy. The grant, for $84,500 from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, is to be used to study the Routes 1 and 202 corridors for the possibility of installing sidewalks and bicycling lanes. The work, expected to be complete…

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DelCo COVID update

Delaware County commissioners, the director of emergency services, and the Chester County Department of Health director gave an update on the county's ability to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coronavirus is spreading, but county hospitals are coping without strain. However, Council Chairman Brian Zidek said the state is reporting 14,559 confirmed cases with 240 deaths, and Delaware County has 898 cases with 20 dead.…

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Online meetings and other reminders

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many cancelations, but some governmental meetings are continuing but only online, either through websites or Zoom. The Chadds Ford Township Planning Commission will have its regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on April 8, but the meeting will be held via Zoom. For instruction on how to join a Zoom meeting, go to The meeting ID is 825 942…

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Farmers sow seeds of optimism

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Randell Spackman gets his Thornbury Farm store ready for the season. Some crops, for now, aren't locally grown yet.

Businesses try to maintain a sense of normalcy even in tough times. They have to. It's a common concern, but it becomes more so in times of uncertainty. Even for businesses that provide necessities, like farmers. Consider Randell Spackman, of Thornbury Farm in Thornbury Township in Chester County, and H.G. Haskell, of Hill Girt Farm in Pennsbury. They grow and sell food and have their…

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Concord will hold telephone meeting

Concord Township Council will have a regular monthly meeting in April, but it will be a week later than previously scheduled and conducted by telephone. The meeting will be streamed live at 7 p.m. on April 14, but the public will not be allowed to attend in person. According to the email announcing the meeting, the public will not be permitted in the meeting but…

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Concord extends shut down to April 13

Concord Township has extended its office closures to visitors through April 10. A press release said the staff is prepared to return to their offices on April 13 but, until then, all non-essential township business will be handled while employees work remotely from home. Essential functions, such as sewer plant operations, will continue as normal.  Residents are advised to contact Township staff via phone at…

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A DelCo update on COVID-19

Delaware County officials sent out the following as a guide for anyone with questions about dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Delaware County residents now have access to the resources of their local Health Department. We have partnered with Chester County’s Department of Health to provide a wide range of services to specifically address the Coronavirus. For more information on the COVID-19 outbreak, and the new…

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