Boost Your Business: The future of marketing

I love marketing (obviously). To me, it is the most dynamic aspect of being in business. Just look at the rapid changes we have made globally in the past 45 years since the delivery of the first email in 1971. Twenty years later the world went “social” with LinkedIn and Myspace and Facebook born in 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively, and YouTube and Twitter not…

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Boost Your Business: Choosing a business website

Companies invest thousands of dollars when they want to redesign their website, hoping that a more attractive design will lead to more revenue. But is it really about the design? Or is it more about the content? Or, at the end of the day, is it more important that your website accomplishes the goals which you need to achieve? Without taking into consideration an E-Commerce…

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Boost Your Business: The challenges of a multi-generational workplace

The workplace is going to look different over the next several years. With people living longer and often postponing retirement for financial reasons, we are entering a phase where four, possibly even five generations will be working side by side. Over the next few years, this change can lead to employers managing a wide age range of employees from any of these five generations: Traditionalists…

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Boost Your Business: An exit interview is an opportunity

They say people are known for the company they keep. Well, the reverse is also true: companies are known for the people they keep. All too often companies let the really good ones slip through their fingers. Perhaps even more troubling is that they can’t, or won’t, admit the reasons. Good, highly-motivated people are the key to running your business. You spend a lot of…

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Boost Your Business: Strategies for team meetings

The normal staff meeting has become a colossal waste of time. No surprise, but a staff meeting is boring and even a dreaded part of the “9 to 5” world. Many consider staff meetings (or team meetings) a practical alternative to work. They feign interest and look at the gatherings as a place to jot down their grocery list or refine their drawing skills. All…

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Boost Your Business: The benefits of working “out of the office”

Working remotely or from home, whether this is on an ad-hoc basis or as a regular occurrence, can allow people the scope to undertake their roles to their very best advantage. People quickly learn how best to shape and adapt their hectic schedules and workload. I know that having the flexibility to work from home has benefitted my business. My best designs and creative thoughts…

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Boost Your Business: Point of sales displays

One of the best investments you can make if you have in-store products to sell is in point-of-sale displays. These displays allow you to dramatically increase the impact of your product at the moment it counts most - at purchase time. Of course, such displays are most effective for impulse items or items for which consumers do not have brand loyalty. Sales increases Large displays…

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Boost Your Business: Loaded with meetings

You are ready to start your week. You are motivated to pursue your goals. You are rested and wake up early to get a head start. Then, you look at your calendar and realize that most of your week is already overrun by appointments. The workweek hasn’t even begun, and the majority of your time is already taken. You ask, “Who scheduled all these meetings?…

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Boost Your Business: Database marketing

Database Marketing Is For Everyone. Whether you're a partner in a consulting firm, a contractor or electrician, or CEO of an international conglomerate, database marketing is crucial for your success. Database marketing can be simple or sophisticated. The key is that instead of just having a mailing list of prospective customers or a single list of current customers, you can use a computerized system to…

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Boost Your Business: Customer loyalty

Do you have a specific plan for addressing loyalty to your current customers and clients? Did you know that if you improve your customer retention by just 5 percent, you are also adding 5 percent to your growth rate? That is due to the high costs of closing new business vs. the profitability of loyal customers spending more money and/or referring you new business. Once…

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