Task force recognized for 30 years

Members of the Brandywine Battlefield Task Force took some time last week to look back at the group’s 30-year history. They met at Thornbury Farm for a chicken dinner, some talk, and some music. Randell Spackman, owner of Thornbury Farm, and the president of the Chadds Ford Historical Society opened the evening by saying that despite the task force starting in 1993, the battlefield became…

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Op/Ed: Do elections still matter?

My multi-year pursuit of transparency and accountability for misconduct by public school officials in the Unionville-Chadds Ford District is a microcosm of something that is playing out across the country. This isn’t a left/right issue. Partisan politics are incredibly tedious. If you don’t realize by now that both major political parties (at every level) are hopelessly corrupt, you haven’t been paying attention. The real issue…

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