School district celebrates 100 years

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What’s a parade without a marching band?

Unionville-Chadds Ford School District celebrated its 100 years in service with a brief parade Friday. The parade started where the district began in 1923, at Unionville Elementary School, and made its way down to the high school football field before the start of the homecoming game. Here's the parade in photos.

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Candidates address CF GOP

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Candidates, from left are Jeff Jones, Dawn Getty Sutphin, and Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski.

Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski, running for Delaware County District Attorney, took aim at the incumbent DA, Democrat Jack Stollsteimer when she spoke to the Chadds Ford Republican Party Saturday. She said crime in the county is up more than 25 percent. “Why am I running? Because the policies that have been enacted by this district attorney are not working. Delaware County Prison has its lowest population in…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Feeling It

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From Jewish Women's Archive, "Simchat Torah."

What if I were more of a mystic? Would my religious experience be something I physically feel as some sort of spiritual shift from the everyday world? I know I am too much in my head and too much in the details of life to be a mystic, but I do wonder what it might be like to have more of the mystical in my…

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