Superintendent’s contract updated

Unionville-Chadds Ford School District directors held an unusually short meeting Monday. The session took only 21 minutes instead of the usual three hours. Directors approved parent/student handbooks for all the schools. Those handbooks contain contact information at the schools, as well as various policies involving dress codes, bullying, lost and found, and a parent’s right to know. In all, the handbooks cover roughly two dozen…

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Power interruptions possible

PECO is beginning a project that may cause some temporary power outages on various streets in the Chadds Ford area. Those streets are Brindlewood Drive, Crestline Court, Fox Pointe Court, Meadow Court, N. Glen Drive, Pleasant Hill Drive, Springhill Drive, Springhill Road, Ward Creek Road, West Chester Pikek, and Winfield Court. According to a message from PECO released by Chadds Ford Township, Phase 1 of…

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