Parking lot quilting bee

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Members of the Queen Bees, a subgroup of the Brandywine Valley Quilting Guild, work on their project in the parking lot at Painters’ Crossing shopping center. Using parking lots is how they can meet while still maintaining social distancing.

Social distancing has put a crimp into many activities so, when you can't meet at a friend's home, you have to make due. And the Queen Bees — a subgroup of the Brandywine Valley Quilting Guild — have been setting up in parking lots. Often the choice of which lot depends on what they feel like eating that day, one said in the Painters Crossing…

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Ballot drop-off points added

The Chester County Board of Elections approved today the addition of five secure drop-off locations for mail-in and absentee ballots for the 2020 Primary Election.   These additional sites have been created to accommodate voters who are concerned that their mail-in ballot may be returned too late by the postal service to be counted. The five new drop-off locations are added to the drop-off location already…

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Adopt-a-Pet June 1

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester. Daisy Left behind when her family had to move, Daisy is a fun-loving girl who will brighten your day with her smile. A big fan of treats, this girl can sit and will be happy to learn more tricks for more treats. Neck scratches are her favorite, but she…

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