Many residents and businesses in our patrol area have alarms that are monitored and audible. The State Police responds to many false alarms that could be prevented. The following are some ways in which this number could be reduced. The State Police is asking that the alarm company knows which municipality you are located. Examples of municipalities are Concord or Middletown Township; “Glen Mills” is a mailing address. Please check that your contact phone numbers are correct. You might want to ask if this could be a cell number instead of a landline.
Also if your alarm goes off and it is deactivated, the alarm company may still call you. They usually want a password. If you give the wrong one, they notify us. If you are having trouble with your system, please call and set up an appointment with a service technician from the alarm company.
Under Pennsylvania State law, a homeowner or business may be cited once a fourth false alarm happens in a 12 month period. The statue is cited below for your reference.
§ 7511. Control of alarm devices and automatic dialing devices.
(1) A person that owns, uses or possesses an alarm device or automatic dialing device may not, after causing or permitting three false alarms to occur in a consecutive 12-month period, cause or permit a subsequent false alarm to occur in the same consecutive 12-month period. A person that violates this paragraph commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $ 300.
