County launches online marriage applications

The Delaware County Clerk of Orphans’ Court announced the launch of online marriage applications on August 13.  Couples residing in Delaware County will now be able to complete a marriage application online and submit it to the County prior to coming to the office, expediting their visit. Instructions, marriage license information and PA rules are conveniently located on the website as well. "We are excited…

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Wawa, propane and ‘spitting on the Constitution’

Concord Township Council members “spit on the Constitution and are intimidated by the 21st century,” according to Council member Joshua Twersky. The first-term councilmember said five of his colleagues were acting disgracefully when they voted to deny tables for politicians and political parties at township sponsored events. The matter arose innocently enough during township solicitor Hugh Donaghue’s remarks about the possible need to take such…

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Maris Grove eyes more property

The Maris Grove retirement community in Concord Township is looking to add 3.8 acres to its campus, but the township would have to rezone the parcel for it to be included. Township Council opened a hearing on the matter July 24 and continued the hearing to 6 p.m. on Aug. 21. The acreage is currently part of the Lee property, a larger 12-acre parcel where…

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Concord Ventures hearing canceled

The Concord Ventures public hearing originally scheduled for tonight, July 17, has been canceled, according to an email from Concord Township. Future meetings are postponed until further notice. While Concord Township has not net responded with reasons for the cancelation, attorney Marc Jonas, representing those opposed to the development, did email saying the applicant needs a zoning waiver because the property is less than 50…

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Car Sense coming to Concord

The old Turf Club on Route 1 in Concord Township is getting a makeover and will become a Car Sense dealership, possibly as early as next spring. Concord Township Council gave the OK to the project during its July 10 meeting. The township Planning Commission recommended approval in June. Car Sense, now owned by Penske Automotive, bills itself as the sensible way to buy a…

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Pettinaro, Concord to discuss construction plans

Pettinaro Construction Co., Concord Township and PennDOT are scheduled to have a pre-construction meeting Monday, June 4 to discuss some of the details involved with the planned shopping center on Ridge Road at Route 202. Chadds Ford Township engineer Mike Schneider and Township Manager Matt DiFilippo will be attending. The shopping center has been a point of concern in Chadds Ford because, while in Concord,…

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Andrew to face Barrar in November

If the unofficial vote totals hold, Democrat Anton Andrew will challenge incumbent Republican Steve Barrar for the state’s 160 Legislative District House seat in November. Barrar ran unopposed in the Republican primary, garnering 3,375 votes in Delaware County and 1,001 in Chester County. The Democratic Party primary was contested with Andrew endorsed by the Kennett Area Democrats in Chester County, while Cathy Spahr was endorsed…

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Testimony by the numbers in Concord

It was testimony by the numbers during the May 8 hearing in Concord Township for Concord Ventures, a proposed planned residential development near Watkin Avenue and Route 202. The proposal is to build 29 townhouses in six buildings and 166 apartment units in three five-story buildings on 49 acres of a 64-acre property. For nearly two hours, attorney Marc Kaplin, representing the applicant, questioned Ben…

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CF supervisors support fair districting

Chadds Ford Township supervisors voted 3-0 Wednesday night in support of fair legislative districts in Pennsylvania. The vote came two weeks after the House State Government Committee gutted a measure calling for an independent citizens commission to oversee redistricting in an attempt to prevent gerrymandering. The resolution says the residents of Chadds Ford and all of Pennsylvania “deserve a fair, fully transparent, impartial and depoliticized…

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DelCo prepares for National Day of Prayer

At the April 18 weekly meeting, Delaware County Council was joined by members of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, and various pastors and law enforcement chaplains to announce, there will be a National Day of Prayer observance in Delaware County, hosted by the National Day of Prayer Task Force, on Thursday, May 3, at 11:30 a.m. in Rose Tree Park. People of all…

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