Concord readies 2019 budget

Concord Township is ready to rock its 2019 budget with no tax increase. The township also has a general fund balance of $10 million which prompted Councilman Josh Twersky to propose a tax decrease. Twersky noted during the discussion that the surplus has increased $6 million since the $4 million in 2008. He suggested the decrease saying, “The people of Concord Township can spend their…

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Concord approves updated Ridge Road plan

Concord Township Council, Tuesday night, approved what was considered a “minor amendment” to the controversial Shops at Ridge Road plan that allows a new shopping center at Ridge Road and Route 202. A series of lawsuits in 2017 — with Chadds Ford Township involved — led eventually to the original plan going through, but a member of Concord Township’s Planning Commission discovered an error in…

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Delco DA launches community-law enforcement camera program

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Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun M. Copeland launches a new law enforcement camera program.

In an effort to proactively address crime and also keep residents safe in Delaware County, District Attorney Katayoun M. Copeland launched a countywide community camera partnership program for homeowners and businesses to register their camera systems. Joined by Delaware County Council Chairman John P. McBlain and police chiefs from Delaware County, the announcement was made at the 1700 block of Ridegway Road in Haverford Township…

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Andrew looks to topple Barrar

He might be a longshot, but Anton Andrew thinks he has a chance to oust Steve Barrar from the state House. Andrew is the Democrat running against Barrar, a 22-year state representative for Pennsylvania’s 160th Legislative District. The Democrats think Barrar is vulnerable. “Every day I become more convinced,” Andrew said Thursday night as the Kennett Area Democrats opened their headquarters at 120 S. Broad…

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Supervisors questioned on trail plan

In a relatively brief and uneventful meeting, Chadds Ford Township supervisors last night clarified the procedures and their position on a possible trail cutting through the township. The discussion was prompted by resident Bruce Prabel who asked to give a presentation on why he opposes using the former Octorara rail line for a trail. Prabel — who was a strong opponent of the Rails-to-Trails proposal…

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Concord rescinds policy; grants Wawa, Maris Grove requests

In a rare move, Concord Township Council rescinded in September a policy it approved in August. During that Aug. 7 meeting, Council voted to disallow political tables at township sponsored community events such as Community Day and Senior Day. At the time, Council member Joshua Twersky said the members who voted for the ban were “spitting on the Constitution.” During the Sept. 4 meeting, Council…

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Residents hear plan for trails, some oppose

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Chadds Ford Township residents examine plans and maps on the open space update.

Chadds Ford Township residents got a glimpse of a concept plan that could bring some passive recreation and a series of trails to the township. Sheila Fleming, of the Brandywine Conservancy, gave the Open Space Task Force presentation before the Aug. 29 Board of Supervisors’ workshop. “This is just the beginning of the conversation,” she said. The plan won’t be finalized until November when it…

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Heat advisory is now in effect

This is a briefing from the National Weather Service in Mount Holly, NJ in reference to a hot humid air mass will continue to build into our region.  A Heat Advisory is now in effect. Chester County Forecasted Conditions: Anticipated Timing: Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday evening Dangerously hot humid conditions with maximum heat index values of 100 to 104. Impacts: The excessive heat will create a health risk, especially…

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Scam alert in DelCo

Delaware County has been made aware of a resident reporting that a person posing as a data collector for the County’s Tax Reassessment Project requested to enter her home. The County reminds residents that the data collectors hired by Delaware County will never ask to enter a home. They have been trained to knock, identify themselves if someone is home, and inform the occupant of…

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Wawa wants propane

There’s gas and now there might be different gas. The two Wawa convenience stores in Concord Township want to sell propane and went before Township Council last night to get conditional use approval. Per the original conditional use agreement with Concord, Wawa must get updated approval for additional products and services not included in the original use agreement. It had to do that for gasoline…

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Concord Ventures returns to ZHB

It wasn’t quite the same as going back to square one, but close. Concord Ventures — the business entity that wants to build 29 townhouses and 166 apartment units on a property adjacent to Route 202 at Watkin Avenue in Concord Township — was back before Concord Township's Zoning Hearing Board last night for a variance it originally received three years ago. Concord Ventures needs…

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