Summer Blood Drive starts  May 21

The Blood Bank of Delmarva, with donor centers in the Chadds Ford area, has scheduled its summer blood drive to begin Monday, May 21. The launch begins at 11 a.m. in the Christiana Donor Center, 100 Hygia Drive in Newark. The launch is open to the public and BBD will have tours and WJBR on location broadcasting live with Michael Waite. The blood bank will…

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Surprising benefits of Mediterranean diet

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Some elements of a Mediterranean diet

In a recent U.S. News and World Report review of the best diets, experts gave top honors to the Mediterranean diet for its surprising health benefits. The very word “diet” belies the true power behind this way of eating, since it does so much more than shrink your waistline. Studies have shown it can help reduce your risk for many of the diseases and conditions…

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Mind Matters: Give and take

To begin the process of remodeling our kitchen, the old was gutted and appliances were going to be thrown away. Donating to Goodwill or other non-profits was not possible — our old kitchen was “too old” despite all being in working condition. Freecycle to the Rescue. Freecycle is an online listing service sort of like Craig’s List but, as the name implies, “free.” The mission…

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Rotary helps rebuild Chesco Food Bank garden

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Greater West Chester Sunrise Rotary helps rebuild Food Bank Garden at Barclay Friends

What makes a garden grow?  Soil, seeds and sun, of course, but also hands—helping hands.  On Sunday, April 22, members of the Greater West Chester Sunrise Rotary teamed up to rebuild four raised garden beds in Sidney’s Garden at Barclay Friends, one of over a hundred partner sites dedicated to growing fresh produce for the Chester County Food Bank. After almost ten years of wear…

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Addressing infertility

Many couples who want a child face the problem of infertility. They have tried to conceive, but have not been able to do so. If you and your partner are unable to have a child, consider having an infertility evaluation at the HAN Fertility Center. Our experts can evaluate you and your partner to find out what is causing the infertility problem, and what can be…

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No time to exercise?

Sneak microbursts of activity into your day. Sure, you know you should exercise. But if it’s a struggle to find time to work out, join the club! While health recommendations suggest that we aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity every week—the equivalent of five 30-minute walks—plenty of us find it difficult to make that fit into our busy lives. In fact, “lack of time”…

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Stay mentally sharp into old age

Seniors who stay mentally sharp get vigorous exercise Many people experience a natural decline in their cognitive abilities as they age. The decline can range from occasional forgetfulness, such as not knowing where you left your car keys, to more serious issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, others continue to stay sharp well into old age. So-called “superagers” perform just as well on tests…

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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects between 10 and 15 percent of the U.S. population. This condition affects the large intestine and causes uncomfortable symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that needs to be managed long term. However, the good news is that it can be managed. Coming to a diagnosis…

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Mind Matters: Families of origin

Have you ever considered your family of origin? I mean, really considered your family of origin—not just your mother and father, but way back to ancestors? I have always longed to be one of those people who could trace their history beyond the Mayflower. I have met folks who can, as well as those who settled here with William Penn. Perhaps part of the yearning…

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Helping kids deal with anxiety

Everyone can experience anxiety from time to time. Whether it’s meeting someone or moving somewhere new, certain events or moments can cause anyone to feel anxious. This is true for kids, too. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, one in eight children suffers from anxiety. “Anxiety can be a normal part of childhood and is usually just a temporary phase. An anxiety…

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