Five tips to help you quit smoking

Mark Twain once famously said, “It’s easy to give up smoking, I’ve done it hundreds of times.” If you can relate to that statement, you’re likely one of the thousands of people who have made the commitment to quit, only to find yourself reaching for a pack of cigarettes once again. It may seem like an impossible habit to break, and you may have resigned…

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Alternative therapy for chronic ailments

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As a full-service health system, we offer specialized care for virtually every physical therapy and rehabilitation need.

If you’re suffering from debilitating pain caused by an injury or aging, you want long-term relief…and you want it fast. Many people think surgery and medications are their best options for treating chronic ailments like low back pain, knee injuries and degenerative disk disease. But they may not be. Both surgery and medications may provide some temporary relief, but not without potential risks and significant…

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Men’s health in ‘Movember’

Five Things You Need to Know About Men's Health in Movember. It's not just the 'stashe. Many men will grow mustaches during the month of November to celebrate Movember and raise awareness of men's health issues. Movember is a glorious time of year for any man who’s been longing to grow a mustache without suffering the backlash from family, friends and significant others. But Movember…

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What you need to know about knee replacement surgery

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Here’s what you should know about recovering fully from knee replacement surgery.

The good news: Even though you’re into middle age, you’re still very active physically. The bad news: All that activity places a lot of wear and tear on your joints, especially your knees. Oh, your aching knees! That deep, grinding pain will not go away. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. And now your doctor is recommending knee replacement surgery. And now more…

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What you need to know about the 2016 flu shot

Flu season is upon us. The typical flu season ramps up in October and can last until May, hitting its peak in the United States in December through March. The flu is not only uncomfortable and inconvenient, it can be dangerous and deadly for some. If you haven't done so already, you need to start thinking about a strategy to stay flu-free this year. A…

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Concussions: How to keep your kids safe

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Annually, as many as two million children in the U.S. suffer a concussion.

When you think of a concussion, you may envision someone getting whacked in the head and knocked out. In reality, however, a concussion is often subtler. Frequently, a person who suffers a concussion may not lose consciousness. Because of this reality, it’s important for parents to know the signs and symptoms of a concussion to keep kids safe and help them get the treatment they…

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The PSA test may save your life

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Stiller says PSA test saved his life.

Actor Ben Stiller revealed this week that, in 2014, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer through a routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Three months later, the tumor was removed surgically. Stiller has been cancer-free since. This has sparked a national conversation about the importance of PSA testing in men.Here’s what you need to know about the PSA test.The Prostate and Prostate Cancer First, the basics:…

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Which healthy food fads should you follow?

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Here are some food fads that are more than just fads; they’re actually good for you

Americans are obsessed with keeping their weight in check, and yet the national obesity rate is rising rapidly, the number of type 2 diabetics and pre-diabetics has soared, and junk food flies off the grocery store shelves. How can it be that we’re spending so much time and energy trying to figure out how to eat more healthfully, but are failing? Part of the problem…

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Seven ways to cope with stress

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Some people deal with stress better than others

Life is stressful. Work, family, money and relationships can combine with larger concerns such as terrorism or the economy to make us feel on edge. Stress occurs when we feel that the demands placed upon us go beyond our ability to cope. Sometimes, stress is a good thing because it spurs us to take necessary action. However, unchecked chronic stress can result in serious conditions,…

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Be Well: Ideas for healthy school lunches

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Recipes for two weeks of healthy school lunches

It’s back-to-school season, and parents are planning for how to help their children have success this coming year. The fuel your child needs to keep running at peak efficiency is vitally important to their classroom success – in other words, they need to eat healthy food. A good school lunch should include a lean source of protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Here are…

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