Men’s health in ‘Movember’

Five Things You Need to Know About Men's Health in Movember. It's not just the 'stashe. Many men will grow mustaches during the month of November to celebrate Movember and raise awareness of men's health issues.

Many men will grow mustaches during the month of November to celebrate Movember and raise awareness of men's health issues.
Many men will grow mustaches during the
month of November to celebrate Movember
and raise awareness of men's health issues.

Movember is a glorious time of year for any man who’s been longing to grow a mustache without suffering the backlash from family, friends and significant others. But Movember is about much more than facial hair. It’s the one time of year we should all reflect on the issues that affect men’s health and formulate a plan to improve and maintain it. If you’re a man or have a man in your life that you want to keep healthy, take a look at these potentially surprising men’s health facts and advice on how you can take action to improve them.

Men Experience Depression, Too
Although women are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression, men suffer from the disease as well, particularly those between the ages of 40 and 59. This age group suffers the highest rates of depression among men, likely because they are juggling the pressures of family, children and career. You may be experiencing depression if you’ve lost interest in things you used to love doing, feel sad or helpless, or find yourself drinking more than usual. If you recognize any of these signs, it’s time to reach out to get help.87 Men Take Their Own Lives Every Day in the United States

Sadly, many men ignore the signs of depression until it’s too late. Depression can distort your thinking and make you feel like there is no solution to your problems. It’s common for men to want to handle issues on their own, but this can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to your mental health. Keep in mind that depression is a disease, not a weakness, and seeking the help that you need is actually a sign of strength.

Testicular Cancer Is the Most Common Cancer Among Young Men
When you’re young and healthy, cancer is probably one of the last things on your mind. However, it’s something to be aware of, since testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 15 to 34. Unfortunately, about 380 men in the United States will die this year from testicular cancer, and thousands more will need treatment and surgery. Your best defense is a good offense – checking your testicles regularly for suspicious lumps and bumps will help you discover problems early.One

American Man Dies from Prostate Cancer Every 19 Minutes
Your prostate is located below your bladder and produces fluid that protects and enriches sperm. Prostate cancer, if left untreated, can spread to other parts of your body. The scary part about this disease is that you may not experience any symptoms. You may be more likely to develop prostate cancer if you have certain risk factors, such as advancing age, a family history of prostate cancer, or if you are of black African or Afro-Caribbean descent. If you’re in one of these categories and experience changes in your urinary or sexual function, it’s time to talk to your doctor.

Nearly 75% of Men Could Stand to Lose a Few Pounds
Roughly three out of four men in the United States are overweight, and 35 percent are obese. Carrying around extra weight puts you at increased risk for a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and liver problems. Your best strategy for battling the bulge is to get moving. Increasing the amount you exercise to the recommended 150 minutes per week (30 minutes, five days per week) will help you shed the excess weight.Movember is a great time to refocus on these issues, but it has to last longer than just this month. Make the commitment now to take care of your health and wellbeing for the next month, next year, and the rest of your life

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Crozer-Keystone Health System’s physicians, specialists and advanced practitioners are committed to improving the health of our community through patient-centered, quality care across a full continuum of health services. Crozer Brinton Lake is Crozer-Keystone’s comprehensive outpatient care facility in western Delaware County, offering primary care, specialty services, outpatient surgery and advanced cancer treatment. Contact us: 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, PA 19342 1-855-254-7425

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