Join Big Bird, Elmo and Hu Hu
Zhu as they explore the night sky in One World, One Sky: Big Bird's Adventure,
a planetarium show at the Delaware Museum of Natural History from June 3-5 and
7-10. The program is presented by PNC as part of its Growing Up Great Together
Under One Big Sky mobile planetarium tour. Show times are limited; visit
or call 302-658-9111 for details. The cost is included with museum admission.
• The Brandywine
River Museum will offer free admission to active duty military
personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day as part of the
Blue Star Museums program, a partnership of the National Endowment for the
Arts, Blue Star Families, and more than 1,300 museums across America.
Leadership support has been provided by MetLife Foundation through Blue Star
• The next luncheon for the
Chadds Ford Business Association is scheduled for noon, June 2, at the
Pennsbury Township building. A Pennsylvania Department of Transportation representative
will update on the reconstruction of Route 52, and township supervisors
will provide updates on Pennsbury Village. The cost is $15.
• Two members of the Pennsylvania Sled Dog Club will give a
free demonstration at the Chester County Historical Society on Friday, June 3,
at 5:30 p.m. The demonstration coincides with the society’s exhibit Chilling
Reality: History of Chester County's Arctic Explorers. The exhibit will be
shown through Oct. 15 at the Chester County Historical Society, 225 North High
Street, West Chester. For more information, call 610-692-4800 or visit
