An Open Letter to Birmingham Township

Chairman Conklin - I am aware that the Thomas Butts house on Birmingham Road has been demolished and plans have been made to construct an enormous and modern house on this property. I was distressed to hear from some of my former Meetinghouse Road neighbors that the board of supervisors has presented no objection to this most objectionable project.

Surely, as the one who organized and lead our 225th anniversary of the Brandywine Battle, you understand the importance of this sacred site that is only yards from Birmingham Meeting. Are the citizens of Birmingham once again going to suffer from the board's total disregard of the historical significance of Birmingham Township?

I ask that you totally reconsider this application. The citizens of Birmingham and their issue have rights at very least equal to that of the applicant. I also understand that the applicant of this objectionable building has retained Anthony Webb, who is the very same Anthony Webb, who is the chairman-architect of Birmingham's Historic Architectural Review Board.

To say he has influence over the board would be an understatement. I would question the board's judgment on this factor alone, especially if I learned he was present during HARB's deliberations on this application.

Fully aware that I have no standing on this issue, I implore you, as former ZHB chairman, historical commission chairman and chairman of the Board of Supervisors, to halt this project immediately until a more suitable alternative may be presented.

A copy of this letter has been sent to the Daily Local News, Chadds Ford LIVE and other interested parties.


Lloyd Bankson Roach,
Formerly of Birmingham Township

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