The run up to what we know as midterm elections is drawing to a conclusion and we have an election before us on Nov. 5. We’ve heard from county wide and Local candidates here in Chadds Ford Township, most importantly our candidates for election to the township board of supervisors, Rhona Klein and Frank Murphy. We’ve had a chance to meet them in the Chadds Ford Civic Association’s event at the municipal building just a couple of weeks ago and through online correspondence we’ve been able to ascertain where their focus will lie if elected.
Both candidates have stated their outrage over recent tax collection problems in our township, certainly an obvious path to take. Both candidates have taken positions on sustainable policy within the township, after all recycling, and responsible development are popular positions appealing to most of our residents.
However, here is where the differences between the two candidates begin to influence decisions to be made in the polling booth on Tuesday. I, as well as all residents, know exactly where Frank Murphy stands on development proposals now before the Chadds Ford Township administration. I might not agree with his position on completion of the loop road, but at least he has taken a position and has offered some reasonable alternatives, which may or may not be able to be implemented. I have yet to understand Ms. Klein’s position on this pressing topic.
Does the YMCA get it’s text amendment to allow its construction within the loop road zoning district, or does Hovnanian eventually get to build it’s townhouse proposal within this same district?
All issues still to be resolved but, despite the outcomes, we understand Frank Murphy’s interest and his willingness to discuss and take the positions which may not be the most popular but nonetheless the most expedient relative to the township as a whole. Mr. Murphy coins the phrase “ look at an issue from 10,000 feet ” an appropriate overview of the issues as they relate to the township as a whole both now and in the future. I cannot say the same for Ms. Klein who to date has not discussed her positions on any forum I’ve been able to be privy to.
It’s clear to me that Mr. Murphy has the administrative experience with local government, having served on the Aston Township Board of Supervisors and on the Unionville- Chadds Ford School Board for many years. I applaud his obvious dedication to public service over the years, service that should be given an opportunity to continue here in Chadds Ford Township.
On Tuesday I intent to vote as an informed resident of this township, informed by the initiative of Frank Murphy who has taken the time to communicate and reach out to all the residents of our township.
Thomas A Singer
235 Heyburn Rd
Chadds Ford Township

I would like to respectfully disagree with you, Mr Singer. Rhona Klein’s 15 years of experience in local government clearly makes her as qualified as Mr Murphy to deal with issues such as the loop road and YMCA and to be the next supervisor of Chadds Ford. I can assure you that she has spoken about her views on these complex issues in front of many Chadds Ford residents over the course of this campaign. While you may feel that Mr Murphy’s position is clear, I feel that it is at best premature and at worst divisive. There is no final proposal on the table for these projects. Studies on how they would effect the community still need to be done. And most importantly, there has not yet been a full discussion of these issues by the residents of Chadds Ford. I know many (possibly including yourself) who find a loop road and Y appealing, but need more information. That is essentially Ms. Klein’s position as well: we must know more and hear all voices before a final decision can be made on these important issues. Yes, Mr Murphy has said that he wants to look down on Chadds Ford from 10,000 feet up and I understand his point, but I feel that right now, given all that we’ve been through and all that we are facing, Chadds Ford needs a supervisor with feet firmly planted on the ground. That is why I will be voting for Rhona Klein.
Jesse Sheppard