Tom Killion, state representative, for Pennsylvania’s 168th Legislative District, is proposing a change to the public school code that would allow for-profit management companies hired by Pennsylvania charter schools and paid for by tax payers to keep their books closed to public scrutiny. Beth Alois, the Democratic candidate for Killion’s seat, opposes this proposal.
“The trend toward charter and cyber charter schools using for-profit management companies is alarming to many voters and education specialists,” said Alois. “The residents of the 168th District are deeply invested in the quality and competitiveness of the four school districts in the 168th. They want the state to aid public schools and ensure that charter schools and their vendors are held to the same transparency as public schools. They are concerned about the charter schools bleeding the public schools of funds and resources”
Killion is not a member of the Education Committee, yet in the last year he has been out front on making it easier for charter schools to thrive in Pennsylvania. The voters of the 168th want a state representative who will fight for their school districts, not one who spends his energy helping the for-profit charter school industry that was a major contributor to Gov. Tom Corbett’s campaign.
Beth Alois will fight to protect the state funding to Rose Tree Media, Marple Newtown, Wallingford-Swarthmore, and West Chester Area School Districts. She will work to stop this trend of turning our schools over to politically connected, private, for-profit businesses.
Marcy Power
Thornbury Township
Marcy Power is the campaign manager for the Beth Alois campaign
