Letter: Cavalcante and the state of journalism

We are now more than a week into a community hostage crisis, where (yet again) we are being held captive to the incompetence of government officials. While some name-brand media organizations have descended on our neighborhood to report on the story, the most detailed (and interesting) information has not come from traditional print or television sources. Instead, many locals have turned to visiting “citizen journalists,”…

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Brandywine Art Guide: Groundbreaking Women of the ARTsisters

Read more about the article Brandywine Art Guide: Groundbreaking Women of the ARTsisters
Annunciation Barbie by Marjorie Quint

Like many creative professions, being an artist can be an isolating experience. The classic image of an artist quietly working in solitude still applies for many, which is why organizations that create community provide so much to artists beyond simple camaraderie. Groundbreaking Women, a new show at the Chester County Art Association, shows what being an ARTsister is all about. “The point of Groundbreaking Women,…

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