Book release: ‘Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley’

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Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley

Longwood Gardens has announced the release of “Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley”, a new book featuring photographs by Larry Lederman and text by Marta McDowell. The book explores the rich history and unique attributes of five former du Pont estates that have become cultural landmarks in the Brandywine Valley, including Hagley Museum and Library, Nemours Estate, Mt. Cuba Center, Winterthur Museum, Garden &…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Holy shrines and standing ovations

It is not easy to make room for God in today’s world. Distractions, divisions, and drudgery are in opposition to awe and wonder. With mixed messages about the possibilities of the future, the present fills with work and stress, pushing aside recovery and gratitude. There are moments when it may be easy to feel blessed or to offer thanks, but too often those moments do…

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