Concord Township Council last week issued a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of the Concordville Inn. The property is being sold and the intent is for a new structure for Encompass Health to be used as a medical facility. That new facility would be two stories and be used as a 50-bed, in-patient rehabilitation center.
A total of seven conditions are connected with the certificate, but only one drew any overall concern. Condition seven, as originally written said: “The exterior of the proposed development shall incorporate the architectural style of the Concordville Inn and preserve the historic character of the streetscape, and Concord Township Council shall have final approval of the architectural elevations of the proposed development. It is understood that Concord Township Council’s approval will not be unreasonably held.”
Attorney Debra Shulski, representing Encompass, expressed some discomfort over the language about incorporating the “architectural style of the Concordville Inn.”
She said her client might need to make some changes due to the use of the proposed new building. During the conversation, specific references were made to the mansard roof and the arched windows of the inn. Shulski said those architectural elements might not work.
“We don’t want to commit to something we ultimately would not be able to comply with,” she said.
After a discussion, Council President Dominic Pileggi proposed different wording.
“The exterior of the proposed development shall be sensitive to the architectural style of the Concordville Inn and, consistent with the design standards as recited in the Concord Village Overlay District of the Concord Township ordinance, and Concord Township Council shall have final approval of the architectural elevations of the proposed development. It is understood that Concord Township’s Council will not be unreasonably withheld.”
With that, the council approved the permit by a 3-2 vote.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.