Letter: Hoffman’s false accusation

My opponent, Whitney Hoffman, has accused me of making misogynistic comments. “Misogynist” means “women hater.” She should be ashamed of herself. In my campaign for Kennett Township supervisor, I have avoided all personal attacks on her, concentrating only on her lack of accomplishment and her inadequate performance.

This is not the first time that my opponent has painted herself as a victim. She claims that she, too, was a victim of Lisa Moore’s fraud like the rest of us - except, of course, she enabled the fraud through her own negligence.

My opponent is once again trying to distract voters from the real issues that face our township. For example, she is unable to substantiate her claims that the recent Emergency Services changes have saved money. Moreover, EMS services are going to increase astronomically less than six months after she claimed the consolidation at Longwood would be a significant cost-saving measure.

All of my professional life I have striven for justice and fairness, not only for women, but for minorities, and those who lead lifestyles different from my own. Talk to any woman I have ever known. I challenge anyone to find one who would say that I was a woman-hater or ever even behaved inappropriately toward them or anyone else.

This reckless claim of misogyny does a disservice to the very real victims of this despicable type of behavior. I have confronted this first-hand. During my time working with refugees, I helped secure legislation in the Republic of Congo for the first-time punishing men who committed rape. I have established safe-haven camps in India and Thailand after disasters for women and children to protect them from sex-trafficking predators.

Attacks, such as the one my opponent has made, are a last-ditch effort to discredit me. It is born of desperation. Sadly, it is to be expected in the waning days of a campaign, but it is nonetheless deeply disappointing.

Geoffrey Gamble
Kennett Township
Geoffrey Gamble is the Republican Party candidate for Kennett Township Supervisor.


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