• The Chester County Historical Society is looking to grow its membership. All new members will receive a 15-month membership and an invitation to the Members-Only explorations of the new four-gallery exhibit, Becoming Chester County and the Visible Storage galleries. For the first time in more than 20 years, all second-floor galleries and two first-floor galleries will be completely reinstalled with dynamic new exhibits that tell our county's dramatic stories. Become one of the first visitors to view them in person. To join or learn more, go here.
• Delaware County Health Department, along with state Rep. Stephen Barrar and state Sen. Tom Killion, will be holding a drive-thru food drive this Saturday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Glen Mills School, 185 Glen Mills Road. This is a contactless food drive. Event personnel will take the food donations from the trunks of cars and send it to the county pantries being served. Among the food items needed are dry food goods, peanut butter canned meats, tuna, stews. Nonfood items wanted include paper towels, toilet paper, bar, dish and laundry soaps, diapers, baby wipes and hand sanitizer.
• Darlington Arts Center is offering a summer Guitar Class for Kids scheduled for June 16-July 16. Classes are for kids ages 8-12 and will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. for 10 lessons for five weeks. The cost is $175. To register, go to https://apm.activecommunities.com/darlingtonarts/Activity_Search/summer-guitar-class-for-kids-online/3011 For other summer programs, go here.
