The Brandywine Valley SPCA has teamed up with Terra Technical Services to hold two drive-thru pet food pantries to help families in need.

Free pet food will be distributed on Wednesday, April 22, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Coatesville Area High School — 1445 Lincoln Hwy E, Coatesville — and Thursday, April 23, also from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Chester Township municipal building — 1150 Engle Street, Chester.
The pantry's drive-thru format requires participants to arrive in a vehicle, where they remain while BVSPCA staff requests, from a 6-foot distance, information on the household pets then loads the pet food in the trunk or hatchback. Food will be available for cats and dogs while supplies last. Food storage and transport has been generously provided by Terra, along with collaboration on pantry logistics.
The pantries are part of the BVSPCA's ongoing commitment to help prevent families from needing to surrender their beloved pets to a shelter for economic reasons. "So many families are facing sudden, unexpected financial challenges during this pandemic, and they need their pets by their side now more than ever," said Adam Lamb, BVSPCA CEO. "We're grateful to our friends at Terra, Chester Township and the Coatesville School District for helping us reach many of those families."
"Things just seemed to fall into place naturally as our team at Terra partnered with the BVSPCA team to coordinate the transportation and logistics of this combined effort using our in-house resources to support the pet food pantry event," said Conrad Muhly, Terra CEO. "It's great to be able to give back to the community to help them care for their furry family members during a time of critical need."
"Chester Township is pleased to partner with Brandywine Valley SPCA in this outreach to provide food for the animals that are very much part of our families," said Calvin Bernard, Chairman, Chester Township Council.
The Brandywine Valley SPCA has distributed more than six tons of pet food to families in need and sent four truckloads of pet food to other shelters for their pantries since the start of the pandemic. The BVSPCA has expanded its standard pet food pantry to be accessible anytime during shelter hours: Tuesday-Friday noon to 6 p.m., Saturday-Sunday from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Donations to help the BVSPCA continue to supply pet food to families in need can be made here.
