Pocopson Township is hoping to tap the skills of a handful of good communicators among its residents.

At the March 28 supervisors’ meeting, Supervisor Elaine DiMonte received the endorsement of her colleagues, Ricki Stumpo and Alice Balsama, to form a volunteer Communications Task Force that would develop a communications plan for the township.
DiMonte said she would like to see a small group with experience in communications and social media. The group’s purpose would be to design and implement a plan to improve two-way communication between the township and residents.
“We want to get the community a lot more involved in what we’re doing,” she explained.
DiMonte said the group would discuss issues such as the content and frequency of emails and the use of social media. She said she hoped that better communication would help the township fill some of the vacancies on township committees, and she said she envisioned one or two town hall-style meetings a year to keep residents informed and engaged.
Interested residents should send an email by May 1 to [email protected]. Information on the position also appears on the township’s website at http://www.pocopson.org/communications-task-force/.
