Around Town Aug. 27

• It’s a Picnic in the Park as John Wellington and Dan Foster, Democratic Party candidates for Concord Township supervisor, hold a joint fundraiser at the Newlin Grist Mill on Saturday, Aug. 29, from 1-4 p.m. Tickets are $30 for adults, $10 for children. There will be a picnic lunch, live music and games. For tickets, go to

• Human trafficking awareness and how the faith community can respond will be the topic of the Thursday, Sept. 3, monthly meeting of the Chester County Faith Community Health Ministry Network. Marilyn Barry, a community anti-human trafficking advocate, will present a film and provide additional information from noon to 1 p.m. at the Kennett Area Senior Center, 427 S. Walnut St., Kennett Square. Clergy, lay leaders, and other interested individuals are invited to bring a bag lunch if they would like. Further information on the presentation and the group is available from Joan Holliday, faith community nurse, at [email protected] or 610-717-2180.

• On Sept. 17, from 5-8 p.m., the Christian C. Sanderson Museum will host a WWI exhibit opening party. This exhibit will run through Nov. 29. During the preview event, museum curator Chuck Ulman will provide an overview of highlighted artifacts on display. In addition, American life during WWI will be portrayed by impressionists from “Historical Military Impressions.” This demonstration of living history, along with the exciting historic artifacts in Chris Sanderson’s collection, will showcase one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, The Great War (1914-1918). Cocktails and refreshments will be provided during this free event, which is open to both members and visitors.

• Registration for Fall 2015 Session 2 Youth Sports leagues and clinics at the YMCA of Greater Brandywine begins on Sept. 8 and runs until Oct. 4 with late registrations being accepted after that, based on availability. Sports offerings include soccer, cheerleading, floor hockey, DEK hockey, tennis, volleyball, basketball, T-ball, coach pitch baseball and flag football for kids ages 3 to 18 years. Membership is not required to join these leagues and clinics. The second fall season runs from Oct. 26 through Jan. 9. For more information, visit your local YMCA of Greater Brandywine branch.

• The YMCA is also offering free wellness sessions on the second Wednesday in September and November. On Sept. 9, childhood health and wellness topics will be featured.

• Reins of Life is holding its 14th annual benefit to raise funds for the care of their therapy horses and the Reins of Life children’s Scholarship Fund. The date is Saturday, Sept. 19 and will be held at Oberod Estate in Centreville, Del. The scholarship fund helps meet the family’s financial needs while the therapeutic riding meets the physical, social and emotional needs of the children and young adults who participate. The event is scheduled for 6:30-10:30 p.m. Cost is $75 per person with preregistration, $85 at the door; or $130 per couple/pre-registered, $140 at the door.

• A poetry reading will take place at Brandywine River Museum of Art on Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. Join award-winning Welsh poet Tony Curtis on the occasion of his first visit to Chadds Ford, as he reads poems inspired by the art of Andrew Wyeth and created over a 30-year period. Curtis is the author of several collections of poetry, and is the emeritus professor of poetry at the University of Glamorgan in South Wales. He won the 1993 Dylan Thomas Award, among other honors. He tours extensively in Europe and the U.S., giving poetry readings and lectures. Free for members and included with museum admission.

Chesco Pops will hold its 10th anniversary Gala and Fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 12, from 7-10 p.m., at the High Point at St. Peter’s, 2475 St. Peters Road in Malvern. Featured will be an Oktoberfest buffet along with wine tasting, an open bar of craft beers, live and a silent auction. State Sen. Andy Dinniman will be speaking. Registration is $75. Visit to register, or contact Al Doering for more information at [email protected] or 484-301-2276.

• The Delaware County Symphony is seeking expressions of interest from talented violin and viola players. Established in 1971, this community orchestra is dedicated to providing outstanding musical experiences for the residents of Delaware County area and performs four symphony concerts and four chamber concerts each year. The symphony concerts feature outstanding professional soloists as well as challenging symphonic repertoire and the chamber concerts provide opportunities for orchestra musicians to play diverse chamber music selections. Rehearsals and concerts take place in the beautiful 300-seat Meagher Theatre at Neumann University in Aston. To apply, send a brief description of your experience to Merri Lee Newby, personnel director, [email protected]. The deadline is Oct. 15.

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