Boost Your Business: The benefits of working “out of the office”

Working remotely or from home, whether this is on an ad-hoc basis or as a regular occurrence, can allow people the scope to undertake their roles to their very best advantage. People quickly learn how best to shape and adapt their hectic schedules and workload. I know that having the flexibility to work from home has benefitted my business. My best designs and creative thoughts have come when sitting on my sofa with no distractions.

The rigid micro management process adopted by many traditional style corporations is not always effective and can actually decrease employee morale and productivity levels.

Heightened Productivity

Working remotely frequently enables an increase in productivity, as commuting times to and from work and meetings are either eradicated or decreased.

Many people also work better without the distraction of their colleagues. Through often unintentional interruptions, such as internal discussions or general office banter, many official “working” hours can be lost.

The majority of the original technology issues associated with remote working have now been eradicated. The increased prevalence of mobile enabled platforms and cloud computing have allowed individuals to access all required files and networks and to maintain effective communication with clients and colleagues.

Increased Creativity

“An office is where you can climb the corporate ladder. Coffee shops and other hot spots are where you can change your life and have the ideas to change the world around you.” Chris Ward, author of Out of Office: Work Where You Like & Achieve

Ward asks: “Did you know that over great coffee, Harry Potter and Moshi Monsters were born; Obama's first presidential speech was composed, and many Web sites such as Craigslist and were built?” Just a few examples of tangible proof that many great business ideas are actually devised by people free from the constraints of traditional desk or office cubicle roles.

Creative sparks can fly and business acumen strengthened in cafes, hotels, restaurants, virtual offices or even during commutes. Who hasn't seen hordes of people furiously typing away on their laptops in all of the aforesaid locations?

Perhaps the term “out of office” will soon take on a whole new meaning, as more and more examples of this advantageous working style arise. Soon being “in the office” will be a rare occurrence.

* Maria L. Novak Dugan is president of Marketing Solutions & Business Development, a firm in West Chester, PA, offering creative marketing services and goal implementation for small & medium sized businesses. For more information, contact Maria at 610-405-0633 or [email protected] or visit


About Maria Novak Dugan

Maria L. Novak Dugan is president of Marketing Solutions & Business Development, a firm serving Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, offering creative marketing services and goal implementation for small businesses. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the Marketing & Sales Industry ... 13 of those as the sole sales representative for a Pennsylvania payroll company growing their client base by over 500%. Maria Novak Dugan is also the former Managing Director of the Delaware Chapter of eWomenNetwork. Creating, developing, and conducting this division of a national organization strengthened her knowledge of networking, event planning, fundraising, and small-business development. For more information, contact Maria at 610-405-0633 or [email protected] or visit

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