Art Watch: The 24/7 Project comes home

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24 X 7 Project

A fabulously innovative and fresh take on plein air in a day comes to West Chester. Ceramic artist Rhoda Kahler and photographer Darcie Goldberg have collaborated on a 24 hour, 7 city artistic exploration of their travel impressions. Over the past few months, this intrepid duo has traveled to Boston, Atlantic City, Washington DC, Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia and Providence. They carried with them…

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Police: Alleged child-pornographer in custody

In September, after authorities seized evidence that an East Marlborough Township resident was sharing images of child pornography online, the 45-year-old man fled, abandoning his home, wife and children, state police said. Acting on an anonymous tip that Jeffrey M. Ball was hiding in South Carolina, troopers said they contacted the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and provided information on Ball’s status as a…

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Woodlawn/Vineyard Commons postponed

People waiting to hear what might happen with the proposed plan to develop 230 acres of Woodlawn Trustees property in Concord Township will have to wait a while longer. The township issued a notice saying it received an extension from the applicant. April 20 is the rescheduled date for when the Planning Commission will consider whether or not to recommend supervisors’ approval. The earliest the…

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