College bound, college grads and dean’s lists

College Bound

• Thomas Jackson II, of Chadds Ford, has been accepted to and plans to attend Lycoming College for the fall 2014 semester. Jackson is the son of Dawn and Jon Jackson. A student at Unionville High School, he is on the men's lacrosse team. He is the recipient of the Applestone Foundation Scholarship, the Lycoming College Third Century Scholarship and the Lycoming PFEW Scholarship.

College Grads

• Chadds Ford Resident Ciara Pigliacampi Graduates from Messiah College. She graduated magna cum laude with a degree in psychology.

• Lauren Sasso of Chadds Ford graduates from James Madison University. She graduated with a degree in sociology

• Four Chadds Ford residents graduated from Widener University in May. Salvatore Faia earned a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering; Joanna Sirusas a bachelor of science degree in nursing; Morgan Dougherty earned a doctoral degree in physical therapy and Kristin Quillen received a master of science degree in taxation and financial planning.

• Danielle Nicole Robinson of Chadds Ford Summa Cum Laude with a degree in accounting from James Madison University.

Dean’s Lists 

• Alexandra Dougherty of Chadds Ford, a senior majoring in psychology, excelled during the Spring 2014 semester, earning a spot on the Dean's List at Hofstra University.

• Seven Chadds Ford residents made the Dean’s’ List at the University of Delaware during the last semester. They are Dakin Bond, Samantha DiSabatino, Kenneth Eland, Jonathan Ellsworth, Julie Henk, Robert Lyons  and Nicolas Taylor.

• Peter Brookes and Kris Urdaneta of Chadds Ford  made the Dean’s List at Widener University.

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