Letter to the Editor: School admin, not Ransford, responsible for PSSA problems

I was shocked and dismayed by the forced retirement of Mark Ransford as principal of Chadds Ford Elementary School. He has done an extraordinary job in his short time there. He brought the first National Blue Ribbon commendation to our district. While there have been many errors made in the administration of this year’s PSSA tests at CFES, the district’s administration must admit to being…

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Katharine Jones Schrader of Kendal

Katharine Jones Schrader died April 19, in Kennett Square Pennsylvania She was born in 1916, the daughter of a school teacher in Buhl, Idaho. Music was the lodestone of her life. She was the first piano teacher for her children and eventually went on to be a publicist for the Yale School of Music. She sang in the Yale Chorale and was a passionate fan…

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