A morning with the grandfather of social media

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“Every person in this room has checked their e-mail more than once today and it’s not even 9 a.m. yet” began Randi Penfil, Chadds Ford Business Association board member and presenter for the association’s April breakfast meeting.  Penfil, a presenter for Constant Contact, shared with the association simple e-mail marketing strategies for success.

Local business representatives were reminded that marketing is rooted in the ability to identify a target audience and utilize tools to elicit a response that is both physical and measurable.  Randi offered advice on harnessing e-mail to make that connection, reminding the group, “When the recipient gets to your e-mail, you have less than 30 seconds to engage.”

Over time, not only have e-mail capabilities progressed, but so has its ability to connect people with a nearly limitless potential network. Marketing has traditionally relied on word of mouth, but with the utilization of e-mail marketing that potential word of mouth strategy expands from a one-to-one platform, to a one-to-many, to a one-to-millions.

“E-mail is a catalyst. It can become viral. It’s easy to brand with logos, colors, etc., and it offers an authentic engagement,” Penfil said.

CFBA members and guests were engaged in the presentation, asking questions and sharing tips of how they have utilized e-mail market tactics within their own businesses. Members seemed specifically interested in the average marketing e-mail open rate percentage, and on obtaining more information on what is the optimum amount of e-mail marketing one should utilize to boost their open rate.

Penfil advised that the average open rate for e-mail is 19.9 percent, which pleasantly surprised several members who had an open rate average of more than double.  She went on to say that consistency is extremely important.

“Set expectations and fulfill them,” she said.

One of her most resounding points, however, was to “test it on yourself first” because it’s easy to step into a business role and forget what you look for when you play the role of consumer, but this simple trick is extremely effective.

  • Can you easily read the font?
  • Is the message clear and focused, or does the narrative skip around too much?
  • Are you offering information that is relevant?
  • Are you heaping on the self-promotion a little too thick?

“Fifty six percent of recipients are opening your e-mail on a mobile device first, so keep that in mind as well,” she added as the presentation wrapped up.

As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Just before people left the meeting, the majority of them reached for their smart phones to check e-mail before heading back to the office.

About Sarah Gregg

Sarah Gregg relocated to Chadds Ford six years ago, but has been working for local Business Pennock Insurance for the past 10 years. When home in Chadds Ford she enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with her Jack Russell Terriers. Her hobbies also include traveling, especially on Wine and Craft Beer tasting adventures. She enjoys volunteering, especially at the Township Recycling days, and currently serves as the Press Secretary for the Chadds Ford Business Association.

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