While the long-proposed widening of Route 202 is still not much more than vaporware, Delaware County is still interested in improving things through the three western most townships. It is proposing a Route 202 Access Management Overlay.
Sam Haber, of the county Planning Department, presented the idea to members of the Chadds Ford Planning Commission on Sept. 10.
He said that since the state has no money for the widening project that’s been on the books for more than a decade, one possible solution is the overlay. Haber said the plan — which includes the strip of Route 202 through Thornbury, Chadds Ford and Concord townships — would improve traffic flow and provide for orderly land development.
It would address “traffic congestion, minimize traffic problems and enhance the appearance of Route 202,” Haber said.
The overlay would extend to 200 feet along both sides of the roadway and extend one-eighth of a mile at intersections. It would add public and private open space for recreational purposes, as well as agricultural harvesting and the grazing and pasturing of animals, he said.
One of the ways to ease traffic flow along the route, he said was to limit direct access from areas other than standard intersections. Basically there would be no new driveway access with three exceptions. They include marginal access roads — with one way in and one way out — shared access roads in which two developments would share a driveway — and reverse frontage developments.
The fewer access points, the better the flow of traffic, Haber said.
Zoning regulations became part of the discussion, basically over whether the overlay supersedes township code or vice versa. Some issues, such as permitted signage, conflict. The overlay allows for signs larger than Chadds Ford code, but prevents signs as large as those permitted by the billboard ordinance.
Haber said he would work with Township Manager Judy Lizza on new wording. He will also have to present the idea to Concord and Thornbury Township officials.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.