Random-Lee: Summer recess

One of the things I love about living in a part of the country that has four seasons is that we can experience so many different “rebirths” throughout the year.  Like the freshness of watching things turn green every spring after the long winter’s nap, or the cleansing of winter when everything is covered in a blanket of fresh white snow.  And then there is the exhilaration of the “end of the year” when students leave their books and classrooms behind and “turn it off” for the summer with visions of swimming pools, summer camps, amusement parks and vacation trips to the beach, the mountains, some new exciting place.

Like those school kids, we too will be taking “summer vacation,” heading off to New England in June, then to the beach in July, and then a much anticipated family trip to Italy at the end of summer.  Things always seem to go full circle in life, including the joy of taking “summer off” when you reach retirement age!

I wish you all a very relaxed and invigorating summer, wherever your vacation plans take you, and will see you again in the fall.

About Lee Miller

Lee Miller began her writing career with four books about Pennsylvania/east coast wines and the creation of Wine East magazine. She then went on to found the Chaddsford Winery with her husband Eric, where she turned her pen to promotion, advertising, public relations and marketing of their successful business venture for 30 years. Last year Lee co-wrote the new wine book, “The Vintner’s Apprentice” with Eric, and retired from the Chaddsford Winery to pursue other interests. She is currently working on a book about her life in the wine industry and exploring the retirement life. Her goal in writing a column for Chadds Ford Live is to generate dialogue and elicit reader response.

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