Chadds Ford Township
supervisors continue to hear the request of a number of residents regarding an
agreement with Toll Bros. at the Estates at Chadds Ford development.
As part of the 2005 agreement
between the developer and the township, Toll Bros. is to fence in the detention
basins before the common area is turned over to the Homeowners’ Association.
However, a number of residents want the basins left open primarily so that kids
in the development can use those hills for sledding.
In March, Supervisors’ Chairman
George Thorpe told Steven Dulce, a homeowner asking for the waiver, that the
township can’t do that unilaterally. He said the resolution for the planned
residential development with the requirement to fence the basins is a binding
legal document. Toll Bros. may request a change, he said, but Toll has to file
for the change. The township can do nothing without a formal request
During the April supervisors’
meeting, another resident pressed the issue. Township solicitor Hugh Donaghue
said the Homeowners’ Association could act to remove fencing, but only after it
owns the common property. It does not yet do so.
Donaghue said he would
recommend to the supervisors that they should not agree to the change for
safety reasons. He said water in those basins can reach a depth of eight feet
and that fences are there to keep kids out.
The Estates at Chadds Ford is
the 120-home development built on the old Camp Sunset Hill. Part of the
agreement between the township and Toll Bros. led to the Turner’s Mill Sewer
Plant to be built and for the village to be installed with a public sewer

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.