A burglary on Beaver Valley Road in Chadds Ford Township
resulted in a thief getting three firearms, a Nintendo WII, a Microsoft X-Box
360 and a Dell laptop computer. A police report said the burglary occurred on
Feb. 2 between 9 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. The weapons taken were a Taurus .38
special, a Glock 36 .45 ACP and a Smith & Wesson 9mm. Anyone with
information should contact the Pennsylvania State Police at 484-840-1000.
• A 19-year-old from Chadds Ford is charged with burglary
after a forcible entry into a condominium in the 1100 building of the Painters’
Crossing Condominiums. Police identified the suspect as Matthew William Smith.
A police report said Smith forcibly entered the victim’s residence using a pry
bar and other instruments. The victim was asleep at the time, but woke to the
noise. When he went to investigate, the report said, the accused jumped over a
banister in an attempt to flee. The report said the victim called police and
gave a good description of the intruder who was later apprehended in the
parking area of the 200 building. Smith was being charged with burglary,
criminal trespass, theft and drug possession. The incident happened about noon
on Feb. 2.
• State police are investigating a case of theft, fraud and
forgery that occurred at the Walgreens in Painter’s Crossing Shopping Center on
Feb. 1. According to a police report, a black male, about 6 feet tall and
weighing approximately 210 pounds, used a $50 bill to pay for a half gallon of
lemonade, then switched a $20 bill he received in change with a counterfeit $20
bill. The suspect is reported to have been wearing a brown puffy vest with
plaid, long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. No further information was available.
• Someone broke into two cars in the parking lot of the
Shoppes at Brinton Lake. A police report said the person or persons stole a
black briefcase from one car and a pair of binoculars from the other. The
incidents happened Jan. 27 between 7:30 and 10 p.m. Anyone with information is
asked to call the state police at 484-840-1000.
• State police said a 45-year-old man from West Chester was
cited for DUI on Route 1 near Route 322 on Jan. 29. A police report said
Stephen Keith Spatig was stopped at 1:40 a.m. after police observed him weaving
a 2002 Nissan Pathfinder in and out of his traffic lane. Spatig was taken into
custody and transported to the state police Media barracks for processing, the
report said.
• A state police report said Kyle J. Bradley, of Chadds Ford
lost control of a 2006 Range Rover at the intersection of Ring and Bullock
roads on Saturday, Jan. 30. The vehicle hit a tree and culvert and had to be
towed, according to the report. No charges were reported.
• Police are investigating the reported theft of copper from
newly built Toll Bros. Inc. homes in Chadds Ford Township. Reports said thefts
occurred on Jan. 25 and 26 on Magnolia Drive. In one case a Hispanic male was
observed inside one of the homes, a report said. Police are looking for a 2001
Ford Expedition with Maryland tags.
• An employee of the Maris Grove retirement home in Concord
Township was charged with burglary at the facility. According to a police
report, the employee, identified as Tahir Pryor, 22, of Chester was found in
the bedroom of one of the apartments after the resident returned home from a
doctor’s appointment.

Why on earth would someone in Chadds Ford need 3 handguns (including a Glock) in their home? Now there are three more guns in the hands of criminals. When will Americans wise up and realize that owning handguns makes us less safe not more safe.