While there is a reluctance to sing praises about groups or
individuals, it is proper to do at times. Those being praised here are those
volunteers without whom little would happen. The point was driven home this
past weekend.
We’re not talking about those who volunteer their time on
government boards or commissions. That’s something altogether different. The
people we’re talking about are those who took a washout and turned it into a
gem of a weekend. At times, though, the distinction is blurred.
George Franz, president of the Chadds Ford Historical
Society, said it was volunteers who gave extra time and energy to get the
society’s meadow ready for Chadds Ford Days activities on Sunday following
torrential rains Friday and into Saturday. That rain forced the cancellation of
events for Saturday.
Mr. Franz specifically named two people, Superintendent of
Schools Sharon Parker and Chadds ford Township Supervisor George Thorpe, as
being instrumental in getting alternate parking available for visitors.
But in thanking volunteers, Mr. Franz and the many other
volunteers at the historical society should be included for their dedication
and many hours of volunteer service to make Chadds Ford Days a reality every
Mr. Thorpe also had praises heaped upon him from sources
within the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates this past Friday night.
Richard Bowers, treasurer of the associates said Mr. Thorpe took the brunt of
the responsibility in dealing with the state to help keep the park open, this
time being operated by the associates, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Without those efforts, Mr. Bowers said, the park would not
have reopened after the state stopped funding the operation on Aug. 14.
Here, too, as with the historical society, members of the
park associates must also be thanked for their efforts in running the park on a
volunteer basis. Not only do they keep alive the educational process of
interpretive history but, they managed to conduct a wonderful Remembrance
Ceremony in honor of Sept. 11 dual anniversaries of the 2001 terror attacks and
the 1777 Battle of Brandywine.
Those involved in both events and organizations should be
proud of their efforts. Well done.
