"Wine & Dinosaurs" at DMNH
The Delaware Museum
of natural History presents Wine & Dinosaurs, a wine and beer tasting
festival with 54 fine wines, 24 breweries, live music, hors d'oeuvres by
Toscana Catering, wine available for purchase and a silent auction to benefit
the museum. The eent runs from noon to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 25 at DMNH.
Admissionmis $45 advance, $55 at door. Must be 21 or older. For more
information and ticket purchases, visit www.delmnh.org or call 302-658-9111.
Wyeth signing
Jamie Wyeth will sign copies of the Seven
Deadly Sins catalogue in the Brandywine River Museum Lecture Room on
Saturday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to noon. There is a limit of two items per
person. No photography permitted. Museum admission is required.
The ticket booth will open promptly at
9:30 a.m. The first 200 people will receive a ticket to the signing. Others in
line after the first 200 people may stand in line, but their catalogues might
not get signed. We expect attendance to be heavy, with the line starting early
in the morning,
Museum admission: Adults, $10; seniors (65+,) students with ID
and children ages 6-12, $6.
Super Croc
Explore the exciting world of the planet's largest crocodilian at The Science of SuperCroc, open Nov. 7 through Jan. 31 at the Delaware Museum of Natural History. Created by Project Exploration, this special exhibit features a 40-foot-long replica skeleton, a flesh model of SuperCroc's skull, and original fossil material.
The Science of SuperCroc is a traveling exhibit created by Project Exploration. The exhibit is presented by DuPont with additional support from Chubb. Admission is $7 adults, $6 seniors, $5 children (3-17), free for children 2 and younger.
"Expressing Grief: A Festival of Healing Through the Arts
Delaware's first Grief Awareness Week celebration will be held on Sunday, Nov. 8. A free festival with art activities, grief education and resources, and opportunities to commemorate those we love will be held at Exceptional Care for Children (11 Independence Way, Newark, DE 19713) from 1-5p.m. Those of all ages experiencing any type of loss are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Reservations are recommended. Please contact Supporting Kidds at 302-235-5544 or visit www.degac.org.
Flower design at Longwood
Teams of international world-class flower arrangers will converge on Longwood Gardens October 14-18 when Longwood hosts the World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA) on its U.S. tour.
On Wednesday, Oct. 14, teams from 21 countries will stage 15 floral designs throughout the conservatory. The theme for the event is “American Exploration” with each team tasked to create a grand-scale floral design using materials that illustrate the diversity and beauty of the United States. The designers may not speak the same languages, but by using the universal language of flowers and floral design principles, each team will create extraordinary and thought-provoking interpretations to represent different regions of the United States.
As you visit each exhibit, listen to the designers talk about the creative process and their results via a specially designed cell phone tour.
The finished arrangements will be on display through October 18 at Longwood.
Wine & Dinosaurs
The Delaware Museum of Natural History presents Wine & Dinosaurs , a wine and beer tasting festival with fine wines, specialty beers, live music, hors d'oeuvres by Toscana Catering, and a silent auction to benefit the Delaware Museum of Natural History.
Sponsored by sponsored by Wilmington Trust. Wine & Dinosaurs in scheduled from noon to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 25 at DMNH. Admission is $45 advance, $55 at door. Must be 21 or older. For more information and ticket purchases, visit www.delmnh.org or call 302-658-9111.
Patriots' Day
The Brandywine Battlefield Park will host Patriots' Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 28. Step back in time to a small British outpost and see Redcoats and royal artillery encamped during the winter of 1777. There will be infantry and artillery demonstrations, 18th century baking and more. Chadds Ford Rotary will provide food and refreshments. Also, as a way of saying "thanks" to the community for their support, everyone will receive a 10 percent discount in our annual Museum Shop Holiday Sale starting Patriot's Day & continuing until Christmas Eve. For more information call 610-459-3342 or check out our website at www.brandywinebattlefield.org.
Meet the candidates
The Kennett Area Democrats will hold a Meet the Candidates
Night on Wednesday, Oct.r 21, at the Hilton Garden Inn, on Baltimore Pike in Kennett Square, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Admission and parking are free.
The meeting provides an opportunity for area residents to learn
more about candidates running in the Nov. 3 election. State, county and local Democratic candidates have been
invited to appear at the event. Residents will have a chance to talk with the
candidates and ask questions during the question and answer session.
The KAD Meet the Candidates Night is open to all area
residents. No advance reservations
are necessary. Call 610-388-3451 or
go to www.kennettdemocrats.org for more information.
Camp Cadet golf outing
County Camp Cadet–a week long, overnight summer camp sponsored by the
Pennsylvania State Police for Chester County Boys and Girls ages eleven to
thirteen, offered at no cost to their families–is holding a fund-raising golf
outing at the Downingtown Country Club, Monday Oct. 12 beginning at 11 a.m.
Cadet introduces young people to the Law Enforcement Community in a very
positive way, and allows them to interact daily with troopers who donate their time
to serve as counselors. The focus of our program is fun, but strong emphasis is
placed on developing self-confidence, self-discipline as well as respect for
County Camp Cadet is a Non-Profit Organization, relying solely on donations and
more information contact Tpr. Corey Monthe1 at 610-268-2022.
Young Explorers
The Young Explorers program, for children 2-7, at the Delaware Museum of Natural History lets children discover basic science concepts through hands-on learning. Six-week sessions this fall explore topics like "Prehistoric Reptiles," "Magical Mixing Colors," and "Horns vs. Antlers."
Don't let your kids miss out on the fun! The adventure starts October 5. Visit www.delmnh.org/EducationScienceExplorers.php to learn more and register today. Or, call Lauren Vitelli at 302-658-9111, ext. 328.
Wyeth exhibit
Brandywine River Museum presents Jamie
Wyeth--Seven Deadly Sins, a major exhibition of new works inspired by a
traditional concept of human transgressions. With characteristic imagination,
Wyeth has depicted the Seven Deadly Sins in a series of paintings with raucous,
scavenging seabirds as emblems of human failings.
memory of viewing Paul Cadmus's paintings of the subject in the 1960s was the
inspiration for his own exploration of the sins. Wyeth assessed Cadmus's work
as seven "very small temperas, kind of more cartoon-like . . . but sort of
horrifying and impressive." Intrigued, he investigated the tradition of
the sins and the prescribed punishments of wrenching humiliation, painful
disfigurement or tortuous death.
exhibition includes seven paintings of sin and a group of eight related works
and studies. It also includes Inferno and
a film by D'Arcy Marsh that documents the painting's creation.
Jamie Wyeth--Seven Deadly
Sins is on
view from Sept. 12 through Nov. 22.
Illustrations of Rockwell Kent
The unique vision of artist,
adventurer and author Rockwell Kent will be on view at the Brandywine River
Museum this fall in Intrepid and
Inventive: Illustrations by Rockwell Kent. The exhibition features
more than 80 drawings, wood engravings, lithographs and paintings inspired by
his travels, including illustrations for books and magazines. It will be
on display from Sept. 12 through
Nov. 19.
