It’s not usual for a commencement speaker to strip down to his shorts, but that’s what Joseph Herman did while speaking to the Unionville High School Class of 2009.
Herman is the chairman of the Phys. Ed Department and was named 2009-2010 Educator of the Year by the students. He was the guest speaker for the June 8 graduation ceremony held at the University of Delaware’s Carpenter Center in Newark.
“It’s come to my attention that after four years of seeing me in gym shoes, and shorts and Unionville PE shirts, that some of you feel that you wouldn’t recognize me in these fancy clothes here. So I did check the dress code for teachers,” Herman said.
At that point he removed his dress shoes and donned a pair of gym shoes. He then walked out in front of the podium and peeled off his dress slacks to reveal a pair of cargo shorts.
“The dress code said shirt, coat and tie,” he said before leading the audience in a foot-stomping, hand clapping and whistling round of appreciation for the 346 graduating seniors.
Herman then asked the graduates to think of their favorite condiment.
He said he had witnessed students attempting amazing feats, like jumping over the tennis nets and not making it, falling in creeks, planting trees on the football field and jumping into a pond to get out of running on the track.
“But I’ve also seen you not allow mental or physical challenges to stop you. I’ve seen you rehab injuries, recover from surgeries, work hard, play hard, help each other, give back to the community, overcome adversity as a class [and] achieve great heights. … There is so much potential in this room. But potential and $10 will get you an expensive cup of coffee and cover a tip for the barista.
“Each of you has a potential for greatness. Embrace this fact. It’s there. Don’t hide it. I encourage you to not allow high school graduation to be your greatest achievement. Going after your own personal dreams takes guts and takes courage. … Risk can be scary. Be brave.”
Herman, a former Marine, told a story about a tattoo he has with an eight ball.
“The eight ball reminds me that as long as I have air in my lungs I will not quit,” he said.
Herman then told the graduates to tell their neighbor what their favorite condiment is.
“When life serves you a big dirt sandwich, you have a choice. You can throw your barbecue hot sauce combination on it and eat it and digest it, get rid of it and grow stronger, or you can let it sit on the counter and rot. Class of 2009, be brave, take a risk, never quit.”
Also speaking was School District Superintendent Sharon Parker who quoted several family members about what advice to give to the class. She discarded the suggestions by clergy, psychologist and academic members of her family, choosing instead to go with the advice given by her 5-year-old granddaughter.
Parker quoted her granddaughter as saying, ‘Tell them to say please and thank you. Tell them to eat their vegetables and brush their teeth.’
Parker then told the graduating class to remember the concept of please, to ask for assistance and to remember acts of kindness by saying thank you.
“As you accept greater responsibility for your own lives, treasure your minds and your bodies… Love yourselves, care for yourselves as we love and care for you.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.