Jailed for caring about kids

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Mike Lerario said that thinking
about his own child, who spent time in a neonatal intensive care unit, made him
take action on behalf of children with Muscular Dystrophy.

ChaddsFordLive.com editor Rich
Schwartzman was thinking about his nephew who was born 3-and-a-half months

Lerario and Schwartzman did
time at the Texas Roadhouse in Corcordville Dec. 6 for having “a big heart.”
The jail population for the day was expected to be about 40-50 men and

Liam Cuccia greeted prisoners
with a big smile. One of 71 children, Cuccia attended the MDA sponsored Variety
Club Camp in Worchester last summer. Cuccia is a junior at Avon Grove High
School. History and sports are his
favorite pastimes, but he hasn’t decided on a college yet.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association
Lockup event is staged to raise funds for research and support for patients
with any of 43 muscular degenerative diseases.

Ben Ovadia calls the MDA
approach “hope and help.” $1.5
million are spent on research in the Philadelphia area at University of
Pennsylvania, Jefferson and Hahnemann hospitals. Clinics are held at A I duPont Hospital for Children and
Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia.

For managing partner Ron Marcus
of Texas Roadhouse, “It’s all about community.”

Marcus said he looks for ways
to be helpful and connect to the community. He offered his location and free food to event participants.

MDA Executive Director, Melanie
Parks, said that the contribution from Texas Roadhouse was an enormous help in
staging the event.

Prisoners were released after
their bail was raised by their friends and colleagues.

To donate online, go to https://www.joinmda.org/MyLockup/MyHomepage/tabid/251282/Participant/editor/Default.aspx

About Emily Myers

Emily Myers has lived and worked in Chadds Ford for over thirty five years.  She founded the parent company of Chadds Ford Live, Decision Design Research, Inc., in 1982.  ChaddsFordLive.com represents the confluence of Myers' long time, deep involvement in technology and community. Myers was a founding member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and currently serves on its board of directors.  Her hobbies include bridge, golf, photography and Tai Chi. She lives with her husband, Jim Lebedda, in Chadds Ford Township.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. jeanne-marie

    I am so sorry to have been unable to attend this event. What a worthy cause.

  2. brandywinebard

    Thanks for doing this Richard – you are an awesome sport.

    Just like when they had you in the “Dunk Tank” at the Chadds Ford Days field.

    Wish it had not been during the work day or I would have come down and laughed at you and maybe given a few extra peanuts too.

    You’re the best!

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