CFTRA honors Sipala

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Helen Sipala, center, accepts the Citizen of the Year Award from the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association. She is flanked by CFRTA Treasurer Jody Allen, left, and President Susan Worteck, right.

Helen Sipala became the recipient of the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association Chadds Ford Citizen of the Year for 2024. CFTRA presented the award during a brief ceremony at the township building on the evening of Dec. 10. “Chadds Ford is truly an extraordinary place that forms an intersection of so many themes,” said CFTRA Treasurer Jody Allen, referring to the Battle of Brandywine and…

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Police Log Dec. 11: Shoplifting, DUI, assault

Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks State police said they arrested a 41-year-old man from West Chester for shoplifting at Wegmans on Oct. 21. The suspect was not identified in the report. According to police, the store employees said the suspect passed all points of sale with a cart full of unpaid merchandise valued at $124.73. The actor was taken into custody and a search incident…

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Westtown closes on Crebilly

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The entrance to Crebilly Farm is on Route 926 in Westtown Township.

Westtown Township has closed on the purchase of Crebilly Farm. The $20 million sale was completed at the offices Gawthrop Greenwood in West Chester on Monday, a press release said. Monday’s closing secures the largest portion of the approximately 308-acre farm. Westtown Township solicitor Patrick M. McKenna, a partner at Gawthrop Greenwood, administered the closing with Westtown Township and the Robinson family, the owners and…

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Adopt-a-Pet Dec. 9

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester. Earsy Earsy is a small, 2-year-old boy with a beautiful, thick all-black coat and gorgeous golden eyes. He's a bit reserved right now but very sweet. All Earsy needs is a loving home, so please come meet this dear boy and consider making him a member of your family.…

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Rabbinic Reflections: A deeper bench

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Thirty-six candles for the “36 people upholding the world with.”

December arrived very quickly this year and, with it, the countdown to the holidays. I am used to digesting Thanksgiving before turning my attention to the coming combinations of dark days and decorative lights, cold weather and warm joy. In a way, I am also used to this season reminding me of all that is beyond my control and consequently of the need to express…

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Boost Your Business: Avoid email mistakes

Did you know that in 2023, more than 50 percent of all holiday sales from Black Friday through Christmas came directly from email marketing? This statistic is a testament to the power of email marketing. As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to gear up and set yourself up for email marketing success. For online retailers and small business owners, the holiday season can be…

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Road Report Dec. 9 to Dec. 13

PennDOT has announced the following weather-dependent road projects that could affect drivers in the greater Chadds Ford area from Dec. 9 to Dec. 13. Motorists are urged to allow extra time traveling through one of the construction zones. Work schedules are subject to change. • On Route 82, the Doe Run Road Bridge remains closed indefinitely. • Manhole repairs will cause daytime lane closures on…

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From tax to registration fee

Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to readvertise the township’s proposed 2025 budget. Township solicitor Mike Maddren said the readvertising is required because of a wording change. What had been a Business Privilege Tax is now a Business Registration Fee, but Maddren said it would still be $225 per year. According to the ordinance change, the term “business privilege tax” is a misnomer and…

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New budget for Kennett Twp.

In a 31-minute meeting Wednesday, the Kennett Township Supervisors approved the 2025 budget, adopted three revised resolutions for KACS, and authorized a pump station project and the sale of public works equipment. The supervisors unanimously approved the township’s 2025 budgets for the general, open space, sewer, liquid fuels, and capital funds. The general fund includes a 0.1 mill real estate tax increase, which is expected…

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Ridings residents seek help

An approved commercial development in Concord Township has, again, triggered concerns among some Chadds Ford Township residents. Those residents, mostly from the Ridings development, asked Chadds Ford supervisors Wednesday evening to take an active role in learning what will actually be happening at the intersection of Route 202 and Ridge Road. Specifically, they asked the supervisors to get updated information on traffic counts and stormwater…

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