Exploring Hope: The God-shaped hole

I’m convinced that every single person comes into the world with a God-shaped hole in his or her heart. We have a longing for meaning, purpose, and significance. Therefore, we go through life trying to find something that will fill the void within us. Some people tried to fill the hole with pleasure. They dedicate themselves to sex or drugs. They look for the latest…

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Rabbinic Reflections: God’s body and soul

Friday the 13th had a full moon. What a great reminder that we are not in control; two eerie signs, especially for the superstitious, that the natural world itself has a dark side. This particular full moon marks the middle of the Hebrew month of Elul, the month of preparation for the Jewish High Holy Days. In two more weeks, as the moon wanes to…

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Exploring Hope: What’s your “god?”

My wife is a professional modern dancer who works with a company in Philadelphia called KYL/D. A few years ago, they did a piece called the “Faith Project,” which looked at the connection between religion and movement. As part of their process, they hosted “story circles” where the dancers could discuss their diverse religious views (from Christian to atheist). But they also heard from faith…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Catastrophe, again

Darkness, sadness, and a seemingly unending journey through painful events recounting death, destruction, and doom. Watching the evening news or browsing your phone’s news feed too often feel just like that. Catastrophe is fast becoming the daily grind. It goes without saying that we cannot let ourselves become desensitized, let alone immune or complacent. Today’s date on the Jewish calendar is a strong reminder how…

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Exploring Hope: Hearing and doing

One thing I love about music is the close connection between theory and practice. If someone claims to be an expert in classical violin, people expect him or her to be able to play. But imagine if he says, “I’ve watched tons of videos on YouTube and read all the most important books about violin technique. Therefore, I’m an expert!” I think most people would…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Visiting God

It is Visiting Day at camp. In keeping with a decades old tradition in the American Jewish community, my older children are at a Jewish sleepaway camp nestled in the mountains. In the idyllic environments built by different organizations and owners, nature is just an excuse for where God really shows up, in community. To be clear, I failed as a Jewish summer camper. I…

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