Unionville grads told to be brave and never quit
“Going after your own personal dreams takes guts and takes courage. … Risk can be scary. Be brave.” – Phys. Ed teacher Joe Herman
“Going after your own personal dreams takes guts and takes courage. … Risk can be scary. Be brave.” – Phys. Ed teacher Joe Herman
It was the second accident with fatalities along the creek in less than a year.
Ninth-grader wins art contest for cavalcade program cover.
Visitors can examine deep-sea technology including remote-operated vehicles, practice recovering treasure with a robotic arm and feel the chill of water from the ocean depths without getting in over their heads.
One hospital and a retail center are on the back burner until the economy improves, but the township will move into a new building this fall.
From schools to municipalities to commerce, the Chadds Ford area maintains traditional activities.
Along with the facelift comes the return of a former caterer and a new menu.
Dr. Rose DiLeva has been helping the club for years.
It took longer than planned, but the open space tax extension will go to the voters this year.
“We’ve agreed to partner with the commission to keep [the park] alive. We’ve met with the senator and had a conversation with Representative Barrar to say that we, the township, would take the leadership to maintain the jewel that we have in our community.” – Supervisors’ Vice Chairman Deborah F. Love
The exhibit focuses on the history of the dairy industry in the Chadds Ford area.