Concord preserves 17 acres

Concord Township Council Tuesday night voted to spend $870,000 to preserve a 17-acre property at the corner of Featherbed Lane and Bethel Road. The property, owned by the Hall family, is a former Christmas tree farm that will now be used for passive open space. Of the 17 acres, the township is buying 14.5 acres while the family will retain 2.5. Those 2.5 acres include…

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Zoning change OKs medical marijuana

Concord Township Council Tuesday night approved changes to the township zoning code to accommodate medical marijuana dispensaries and medical marijuana grow facilities. The voting for each change was four yeses and one no. Abstaining were Council President Dominic Pileggi and Vice President John Gillespie. The lone no vote came from Tom Mahoney. Yes votes came from John Crossan, Libby Salvucci, Marge Franke and Joshua Twersky.…

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Intrigue, but no local surprises in primary

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A sign telling voters to form a single line at Birmingham Friends Meeting wasn’t really needed because turnout was so light yesterday morning.

There’s an old sarcastic remark that goes: “What if you gave a party and nobody showed up?” The question for Tuesday’s primary election, at least early on, would have been: “What if you held an election and nobody showed up to vote?” Voter turnout yesterday started light and only slightly picked up through the day. Even in Concord Township with a contested GOP primary for…

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Canine ‘wedding’ benefitting PAWS

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The bride and groom. Frangelica Meloni, left, and Shaggydog Atark on the right.

There is a certain link between humans and their animals that benefits both. Sometimes that relationship goes well beyond the routine. One such relationship is leading to a “wedding” between Frangelica Meloni and Shaggydog Stark. Frangelica Meloni is the four-legged daughter of Chadds Ford’s Kathryn Meloni. Frangelica has been a therapy dog for the past several years and the wedding — scheduled for Saturday, Aug.…

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Concord Township in brief

Concord Township Council Tuesday night voted to award the 2019 Road Program contract to Innovative Construction Service of Folcroft. Innovative offered the lowest of six bids tendered. The contract is for $627,000. Prior to the bid being awarded, township engineer Nate Cline said PennDOT has agreed to do some limited pothole repair on Route 1. The council honored some students from Garnet Valley High School…

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Westtown, Toll face off again over Crebilly Farm

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Neighbors for Crebilly Farm gathered on the stairs before the Commonwealth Court in Pittsburgh

No decision was issued today in an appeal hearing on Toll Brothers' application to develop Crebilly Farm, a historic 300-plus-acre tract that abuts Routes 202 and 926 in Westtown Township. A three-judge Commonwealth Court panel sitting in Pittsburgh  heard arguments from Gregg Adelman, one of Toll’s attorneys, and Patrick McKenna, the Westtown Township solicitor. Both presentations focused primarily on whether the township has the authority…

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A message from Concord Township

As part of Delaware County’s continuing reassessment process, residents are advised that Tyler Technologies Inc. is currently working within Concord Township as part of the reassessment project. Tyler will be gathering property data and photographing properties from clearly marked white vans. Images will only be taken from the street and Tyler will not enter private property. The county reminds residents that the data collectors hired…

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Shavertown Road closed Wednesday morning

Concord Township is reporting that Shavertown Road will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, Wednesday, May 1 due to an emergency repair. The road will be closed between Kirk Road and Naamans Creek roads from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Construction will be taking place at the Martins Court/Shavertown Road intersection. Local access for residents will be available up to the construction zone.

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Good morning, m’am

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Class 12 students from Pardada Pardadi.

I'm so happy to be back in India again for the 11th time. This is my home away from home where I feel a passion and purpose in the work done here. There is so much going on here each and every day. I start each morning, sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee (brought from the US, as this is still Nescafé country). It is…

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Council gets loud over recordings

On a night when Concord Township Council began live-streaming its meetings, the longest and loudest part of the meeting dealt with whether attendees should divulge whether they are recording the meetings. One councilman went so far as to question the value of the township solicitor’s legal opinion. Council for years has been asking people to let them know if they were recording meetings but that…

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