No decision on Legacy Lane pools

Birmingham Township Supervisors Monday night decided to wait until next month to decide whether to lift restrictions on in-ground swimming pools on Legacy Lane. Supervisors began hearing the request in March, but that meeting was interrupted when the municipal building's Internet connection was lost due to high winds. At issue is a request from Legacy Lane residents Kevin and Julie Gates, represented by Vince Pompo.…

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Lost Internet interrupts supervisors’ meeting

In a meeting interrupted by a wind-blown loss of Internet connection at the municipal building, Birmingham Township supervisors approved one request and tabled several other items. During the March 1 session conducted via Zoom, the board did hear and approve a request for a new sign at Birmingham Friends Meeting. The HARB had recommended granting the certificate during its February meeting, according to township secretary…

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Car dealers and musical chairs

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The Piazza Auto Group wants to square off the front of the building, then move the Acura dealership to another site and bring Land Rover/Jaguar into the current Acura location.

It's a bit like musical chairs for several Piazza Auto Group dealerships. Adam Brower, representing the Piazza group, asked Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night for a waiver from land development requirements regarding Piazza Acura's need to expand its showroom. Supervisors declined the waiver, saying they want the township engineer to review plans for the renovation — which would add 2,760 square feet to the showroom,…

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Birmingham updates wireless codes

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(YouTube image)

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night voted to approve two ordinances that update township code to accommodate new wireless services. They also approved an amendment to the zoning code dealing with setbacks and solar energy. Kristin Camp, the township solicitor, said that amending the code for telecommunications provides new regulation, adding definitions, new terms, and timelines to approve applications for new facilities. "This change has been…

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Birmingham adjusts proposed budget

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night added another $6,000 to the proposed 2021 budget. The additional expense follows from a request from Good Fellowship Ambulance service. Chaz Brogan, of Good Fellowship, told the supervisors during their Nov. 2 Zoom meeting that Good Fellowship has a shortfall of $685,448 this year, mostly due to the pandemic. He said ambulance calls are way down. The ambulance service makes…

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Pennsbury to Oxford trail considered

Chester County Commissioners are scheduling a public meeting for a proposed trail plan that would connect Pennsbury Township with Oxford. Commissioners last year accepted a grant award to perform a study that would examine the feasibility of developing a multi-use trail to serve the communities in southern Chester County. On Tuesday, July 14, the Chester County Planning Commission will hold the first public meeting discussing…

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Birmingham continues virtual meetings

Birmingham Township will continue holding virtual meetings at least through July. That was the word coming out of the Board of Supervisors' July 6 meeting conducted via Zoom. Township solicitor Kristin Camp told the board that while some other municipalities are having in-person meetings, they have been in townships with outdoor areas where people can gather safely. Supervisors' Chairman Scott Boorse said Birmingham's meeting room…

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Lenape Road Bridge reopened

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The Route 52 Bridge is open again after a 10-month closure.

PennDOT has reopened the Route 52/Lenape Road Bridge. The bridge over the Brandywine Creek in Birmingham Township was opened on June 30. The span, between Pocopson Road and Creek Road, had been closed and detoured since August 2019 for the rehabilitation of the structure. Creek Road between Riverbend Lane and Country Club Road was later closed in November. Both roads are now open. While major…

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What it means to be green

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The five-county Philadelphia region will enter the green phase next Friday, according to Gov. Tom Wolf..

Chester County Commissioners, in a press release today, said the county is ready to go green. That word came in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement of today saying the five-county Philadelphia region will enter the green phase on June 26. “[T]he county is fully prepared to further relax restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the release said. Commissioner’s Chair Marian Moskowitz said in the…

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Outdoor dining draws praise

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Patrons take advantage of phase yellow any dining al fresco at local restaurants. Diners here enjoy The Gables.

It might not be the same as dancing in the street, but diners and restaurateurs are happy about dining al fresco. Restaurants in the region opened up for outdoor dining two weeks ago after counties moved from the red to yellow phase in Gov. Wolf's color scheme for getting the state back to normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yvonne and Michael Kelley,…

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Budget talks go on despite pandemic

Some things need to be addressed regardless of a pandemic. One such matter is the 2020-2021 budget for the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. Despite uncertainties about the budget because of COVID-19, the board is still expected to vote on the spending bill in June. A budget hearing is scheduled for May 4. In November, before the pandemic struck and shut down schools and in-person public…

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