Chadds Ford requesting speed limit changes

There’s no timetable or even a guarantee that a change will happen, but Chadds Ford Township will be asking PennDOT to lower the speed limit on a handful of roads. Supervisors, during their May 4 meeting, authorized township Manager Amanda Serock to make the request. Should PennDOT agree, the speed limits on Webb, Harvey, Ridge and Ring roads — state-operated roads —will be reduced to…

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Final stretch for school budget

If it’s May, it’s time for the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board to start ironing out the budget for the next school year. After establishing a preliminary budget earlier this year, school board directors held a hearing on the proposed final budget during a May 2 session. There will be more discussion on the proposed budget during the May 9 work session and the one in…

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Working to prevent opioid deaths

Approximately 70 percent of U.S. residents take some type of prescription medication every year, and the three most prescribed drugs in the U.S. in order of volume are antibiotics, antidepressants, and opiates, such as oxycodone, according to national law-enforcement statistics. In southeastern Pennsylvania, the largest drug threat now comes from prescription drugs and heroin, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. Opioids, such as oxycodone, now…

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Icon laid to rest with style, spirit, affection

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Flowers donated by Longwood Gardens greet guests at the celebration of Frolic Weymouth's life on Friday, April 30, at the Brandywine River Museum of Art.

To advocates of scenic vistas, he was a beloved benefactor who also possessed a penchant for sending Christmas cards out of season, serving scrapple disguised as an elegant hors d’oeuvre, generating infectious laughter, and living life to the fullest. On Saturday, April 30, George A. "Frolic" Weymouth, a visionary conservationist, peerless philanthropist, acclaimed artist, and accomplished sportsman, was laid to rest. He died on Sunday, April…

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Birmingham road program over budget

Birmingham Township’s 2016 Road Program is moving along smoothly, according to township roadmaster Dave Rathbun, but it’s going to come in over budget. Rathbun told supervisors during their May 2 meeting that most of the work is finished and that all should be completed by early June. The projected cost right now is $228,000. The township had $225,000 budgeted. But that $3,000 overage will increase.…

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DES team lauded for role in Felony Lane chase

A 911 call on March 1 that began with a suspicious vehicle ended with the arrest of seven alleged members of the Felony Lane Gang, a notorious identify-theft ring that has been wreaking havoc nationwide. In between, the incident traversed two counties, several major state roadways, and more than 12 miles. It lasted nearly 30 minutes, and now members of the B Platoon of the…

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State increases speed on 396 miles to 70 mph

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and announced on Monday, May 2, that additional stretches of the interstate network that will be posted with 70 mph speed limits. Starting on Tuesday, May 3, 396 additional miles of the turnpike and 400 additional miles of certain PennDOT highways will be converted to 70 mph, bringing the total combined miles of turnpike and PennDOT roadways already at 70 mph…

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Chesco advocates ‘Walk in My Shoes’

For May’s National Mental Health Awareness Month, Chester County is inviting the public to “Walk in My Shoes.” That is the theme of this year’s observance, which will be marked with activities aimed at increasing the public’s awareness and understanding about mental health and recovery. The Chester County’s Department of Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (MH/IDD) is collaborating with stakeholders throughout the area to offer…

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Planting season a time for extra road patience

Spring not only brings out leaves and blossoms on trees but also slow-moving farm equipment on area roads. On the heels of Rural Roads Safety Week, the Chester-Delaware County Farm Bureau wants to remind area residents to exercise caution and wait for an appropriate opportunity to pass the vehicles safely. The bureau explained in a press release that smaller farms often cannot afford the specialized…

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‘Frolic’ carriage to lead Point-to-Point parade

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George A. 'Frolic' Weymouth's 1903 Brewster & Co. coach is currently on display in the courtyard of the Brandywine River Museum of Art.

For the first time in nearly four decades, the co-founder of the Brandywine Conservancy will not lead the procession of elegant horse-drawn, antique carriages that will traverse Winterthur’s 38th Annual Pont-to-Point grounds on Sunday, May 8. But the indomitable spirit of George A. “Frolic” Weymouth, who died on Sunday, April 24, will dominate the event, Winterthur officials said. “As we prepare for what will be…

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Chesco seeking public’s aid to find homeless

Days after this past January’s blizzard, teams of volunteers fulfilled a federal mandate by canvassing affluent Chester County in search of residents who typically operate below the radar: the homeless. The initiative, called the Point in Time (PIT) Count, found that 682 people lacked permanent shelter on the evening of Jan. 27 into the early morning of Jan. 28, according to a report compiled by…

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