Birmingham in brief

Birmingham Township supervisors made two appointments and acted on three Historic and Architectural Review Board recommendations during the April 3 meeting. One of those HARB recommendations dovetailed with a report from the township’s Historical Commission. Former Supervisor Bill Kirkpatrick was appointed a Zoning Hearing Board alternate to serve through 2025. Stanley Benarik was named to the Recreation, Parks, and Open Space Committee. He’ll serve through…

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Battlefield plan one step closer

The Brandywine Battlefield Heritage Interpretation and Connectivity Plan is one step closer to becoming a reality after Birmingham Township supervisors voted formally to enter into the agreement. Supervisors voted on the matter during their Feb. 6 meeting. The plan, as written by the Brandywine Conservancy “is to produce a multi-municipal plan focused on interpreting the Battle of Brandywine within seven partner municipalities. The first of…

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Taxes hold in Birmingham

As anticipated, the Birmingham Township Board of Supervisors Monday night approved the 2023 budget with no tax increase. Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse said it’s at least the 14th consecutive year without a tax increase. The budget calls for anticipated revenue and expenses to be $2.33 million with a millage rate of 1.6 mils. (A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 of assessed…

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Birmingham in brief

Birmingham Township Board of Supervisors Monday night authorized advertising of the 2023 budget. Supervisors are scheduled to vote on the spending bill during their Dec. 5 meeting. While there was no lengthy discussion on the budget, Supervisors Chairman Scott Boorse said there would be no tax increase. The millage rate would remain at 1.6 mils. (A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000…

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Supervisors parry a zoning request

Birmingham Township Supervisors Tuesday night suggested an applicant find another location in the township for what he wants to do. Panos Kollas, representing what he called a public benefit corporation, was asking supervisors to rezone a residential property at 1245 Creek Road for commercial use by a PBC. (According to “A public benefit corporation is a corporation created to generate social and public good,…

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Birmingham in brief

Birmingham Township supervisors made quick work of a short agenda Monday night. With Supervisors’ Vice Chairman Mike Shiring on vacation, Chairman Scott Boorse and Supervisor Dan Hill voted to give the go-ahead for the renovation of an historical house at the Brandywine Picnic Park that was damaged by last September’s flooding. Boorse said the Historical Commission recommended approval so that applicant Jeffrey Renzi could rehabilitate…

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Possible ordinance change in Birmingham

A possible change to Birmingham Township’s Historical Commission ordinance brought a packed house to the Board of Supervisors’ June 6 meeting. Residents expressed a variety of concerns, most notably the fear that a change would leave historic resources unprotected Other concerns included not being able to find the proposed ordinance on the township’s website, and Historical Commission members feeling left out of some of the…

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Radley Run CC wants to build

Radley Run Country Club in Birmingham Township wants to do some expanding within its property. The club is looking to construct a new 8,000 square foot building and add 50 new parking spaces. But there will be no decision on the matter from the township Board of Supervisors before December. The new building would be two stories high with 4,000 square feet per floor, and…

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In-person meetings return to Birmingham

It was a short meeting with nothing controversial, but Birmingham Township supervisors did agree that in-person meetings will resume in the township effective Tuesday, June 8. The township office will also be open for in-person business. Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse said masks will still be required for those who are not vaccinated and that social distancing will be maintained even in the meeting room. No…

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Birmingham sells sewer plant

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night unanimously approved the sale of the township’s wastewater treatment plant and facilities to the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority. The board also voted to pay off a sewer loan and an open space loan. Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse said the township has been negotiating the sale for several months. The Bucks County authority approved the deal in its meeting…

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Med pot ordinance moves forward

Chadds Ford Planning Commission members Wednesday night voted to send a medical marijuana dispensary ordinance to the supervisors for a full hearing. Commission members also voted to recommend approval for a Mercedes-Benz dealership. Both votes were unanimous. According to township and Planning Commission solicitor Mike Maddren, case law and the Constitution require municipalities to have in their codes accommodation for all legal business activities to…

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