Today’s Family: Dealing with back to school stress

It’s back to school and for many families, a time of stress, worry, and anxiety. It’s a return to scheduled wake times, multiple activities, minimal free time, and utter chaos. How do I get my kids back on a routine that works after the carefree days of summer? Don’t let your anxiety have you this school year. Consider telling your stress and worry, “I’ve got…

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How to treat a burn

You and your family are exposed to burn risks every day. Between curling irons, hot coffee, ironing clothes and cooking in the kitchen, burns are a very real possibility. First Aid for Burns If you or a family member suffers a burn, there are some immediate steps you can take to ensure proper care is received. First, treat every burn like a major burn until…

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Endometriosis in young women

Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological disorders, affecting as many as one in 10 women of reproductive age. It is a chronic condition in which the tissue that forms the lining of the uterus, called endometrium, grows outside the uterine cavity on organs such as the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, bowels and bladder. In rare cases, tissue can even develop in the nose or…

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Mind Matters — ACE and US

ACE here is not the winning card. Adverse Childhood Experiences “are any stressful or traumatic events that occurred in childhood.” The experiences include sexual and physical abuse and neglect, but also household and family dysfunction, such as witnessing domestic violence or substance abuse. Adverse events also include parental separation, divorce, or parental incarcerations. Emotional abuse or neglect, including separation, appear to be a significant as…

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It’s ‘National Golf Month’

Ditch the golf cart. Your aging knees won't mind. Golfers with knee arthritis should park the golf cart and walk the links instead, researchers say. While using a golf cart may seem the obvious choice for golfers with knee problems, a new small study finds that walking provides much greater health benefits. Moreover, it's not associated with increased pain, inflammation or cartilage breakdown, the researchers…

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Mind Matters: Love, conscience, and sociopaths

Many years ago, early in my career in Pittsburgh, a handsome and charming man came to my office to begin the process of a custody evaluation. He was a high-profile professional in a large corporation. Despite his appearance and his impeccable credentials, his demeanor and words worried me. Whatever it was he said as he walked out the door got me to thinking, “This man…

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Bike safety for the whole family

When warm weather hits, a bicycle ride can be a great way to exercise with your family. Proper bike safety is important for everyone—even if you’re only going for a quick ride. Whether you’re cycling on a trail or just in front of the house, follow these six bike safety tips: Protect your head. The majority of bicycle accidents happen close to home, such as on…

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ChesCo coroner reports on drug overdoses

The Chester County Coroner’s Office has released its data on fatal drug overdoses and the demographics are consistent with last year’s data. As of June 30, a total of 59 people died of a drug overdose since Jan. 1 of this year. Of that total 57 were accidental and two were determined to be suicides. Since the number of drug overdose deaths varies widely from…

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Facts and myths about opioid addiction

It’s a problem that has become a national crisis. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 90 Americans die every day after overdosing on opioids. Opioids are common and effective prescription drugs used to treat chronic body pain but they carry serious risks if used incorrectly. While the devastating effects of opioid addiction hits home for many people and their families, it’s…

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Mind Matters: Recent research in psychology

Did you know that people who reside in neighborhoods that are racially diverse are “more likely to help friends, neighbors, and strangers?” According to a study reported in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people in racially diverse urban areas tweet more about pro-social ideas, such as helpfulness and charity. It was also found that those who live in racially diverse neighborhoods are more able…

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